Katelyn's POVAfter I took my shower, I did my night routine, and put on my pyjamas. Once I was comfortable on my clothes, I jumped onto my bed and almost immediately slept after a long day.
Hours later...
I woke up in the middle of the night to go get some water. My throats was getting pretty parched, and dry. I felt very groggy and drowsy. I got up from my bed and checked the time, it's 1 in the morning. I opened up my dorm door, and started walking across the hallway to a nearby water fountain. After a few sips, I was back to my senses a few minutes later.
While I was walking back to my empty dorm, I noticed the door to someone's room was open with a television light showing through the door. At first, I hesitated to walk up to it, yet my curiosity got the best of me so I decided to check it out. I slowly opened the door, being cautious not to make a peep or sound. I quickly looked through the door, and to my surprise,
it was Sam playing some sort of video game on the TV with a controller in one hand, and a drink in the other.I started to giggle a little since he stared at the TV screen like a mindless zombie, while his roommate was sleeping soundly...I caught myself making noises and stopped giggling. I covered my mouth with one of my hands in a swift motion. When I took a closer look at him, I realized he had headphones on, and his roommate looked like a deep sleeper, so I slowly put my hands to my sides and sighed in relief.
I suddenly had this crazy idea that involved both his roommate and him to get surprised in an instant. I slowly closed the door behind me when I entered. I quietly tiptoed behind Sam's back, I started to blush a little since he was wearing a muscle T, but I decided to ignore that, and started to follow my original plan. I tapped on Sam's shoulder, and quickly hid in the side of bad that was almost up against a wall. I was surprised I could in between the small space, but focused on my plan instead of getting distracted.
Sam's POV
While I was on the last level to victory, something or someone poked at my shoulders...I paused my game and slowly turned to my right to see what it was, but instead, there was nothing there. I started to freak out, and I started to shake Geo violently so that he could wake up."What do you want Sam?", he said in a raspy and deep voice. His eyes were half open, so I decided to wake him up more by pouring a small amount of water on his face from my water bottle. He instantly stood from his bed and started yelling at me"AHHH!?! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!? NOW MY CLOTHES ARE WET!?!" , he said. "I think there's a ghost in our dorm..." "What? That's impossible, there are no such thing as ghosts..."
Katelyn's POV
I heard their little conversation, I almost laughed when Sam poured water on Geo's face, luckily, I covered my mouth just in time. Later on, I heard them talk about that ghosts weren't real, so I got a slipper that was close to my spot, grabbed it without anyone noticing, and made a sound far from me.
I heard them gasp, and heard their footsteps slowly walk back. I waited for the right time until they were close enough, and I jumped out from my hiding spot and sprinted forward a bit to scare then even more. When I popped out, I saw them hugging each other tightly and screaming their heads off. I started laughing hard on the ground like a psychopath. They exchanged looks and slowly realized they were hugging each other. They quickly let go of each other and both gave a death glare at me, "Why are you awake Katelyn? And WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU SC-" "Shhh...we don't want to wake other people, we'll get in trouble." I said while putting a finger on Geo's mouth.

Is this Love? ~DISCONTINUED~
RomanceThis story takes place in Los Angeles where a young girl named Katelyn is attending a high school far from home. She tries and start a new life after a horrible past, but instead, she is met with a greater evil... A/N The beginning chapters are not...