Just to let you know...
When the text is like this, it means they are thinking...
Anyways, on with the story!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sam's POV
I wake up by the sound of Katelyn's voice..."What's going on?" I asked, feeling dazed and drowsy. "WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL ON THE FIRST DAY!!! SO STOP DAYDREAMING AND GET READY!!!" Geo and I exchange shocked faces. We instantly bolt for the bathroom, but since Geo's bed was closer, he got there first. I cursed under breath and hear Geo laughing at me.
"You picked the wrong bed to sleep in" he stuck his tongue out before closing the door...When you come out of that door, I am so going to hit you in the ______(I'll let you decide what he'll hit)...I turn to my left, and see Katelyn is already set to go to school...
"Hey Katelyn?", I ask in a sweet voice. "Yeah?" "Can I borrow your washroom?" She stared at me for a second, and replied "Sure, as long as you don't do anything a pervert would do in my dorm" I looked at her confused..."Why would I do that?" "Because of all the boys I've met, they were always perverts" I decided to shrug it off on her calling me a pervert. "Well think what you want to think about boys. Anyways, thanks for the bathroom!" I give her a cheeky smile before heading out of my dorm.
Right before I left the room, I glanced at Katelyn, and saw her blushing.... Why is she blushing? Is she...no, she can't be...
While I was heading in the hallway, I was lost in my own thoughts till I accidentally bump into someone..."Oh my god, I am so sorry!!!" The girl said in a apologetic tone while bowing her head down in embarrassment. "Oh, you don't need to apologize...it was my fault I bumped into you" I said scratching the back of my head. She looked up at me, and I recognized her in an instant."JEANNA?!? What are you doing here???" I was shocked and surprised at the same time. "I'm here because my parents moved here again, and also since they wanted me to study in this high school for my doctor's degree...What are you doing here?" she said, come closer with her arms wide open to signal for a hug. I accepted the hug and told her, "I'm here since it was the only high school to start getting an architecture's degree! Also, ITS SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!"
Jeanna and I used to be best friends when we were in middle school. We would always hang out at this park that was close to both of our houses. She would always bring food, and I would always bring toys. We would play for hours, until our parents had to drag us away from each other. Sadly, her parents got a promotion, so she had to move to the U.S.. I cried for a week till my parents found a way to make me stop crying, video games. I still missed her, but I decided to finally move on, and find a new friend.
We talked to each other for a good minute to briefly catch up on things till I remembered we had school. "OH MY GOD!!! IM GOING TO BE LATE FOR MY CLASSES!!! SORRY JEANNA!!! SEE YOU NEXT TIME!!!" I bolted into Katelyn's room, and took a quick shower...
Jeanna's POV
It was nice to see Sam after a long time not seeing each other. I used to like him back then by his confidence and kindness, but since we moved...I thought I couldn't see him ever again. Wait...isn't that Katelyn's room???
Katelyn's POV
I kept knocking on their bathroom door till Geo got out since he accidentally kicked my phone to the bathroom. I only noticed it was missing, after Sam had left the room. "GEO HURRY UP!!! I NEED MY PHONE!!!" "I ALMOST DONE! JUST CALM DOWN!" After he said that, he flung the door open like the speed of light. I saw him all dressed up, but his shirt was on backwards.

Is this Love? ~DISCONTINUED~
RomanceThis story takes place in Los Angeles where a young girl named Katelyn is attending a high school far from home. She tries and start a new life after a horrible past, but instead, she is met with a greater evil... A/N The beginning chapters are not...