How do you like the plot so far?
Do you guys think it's good?
Lately I've been getting a lot of writer's block so I can't really think on how the plot is going to go...Also, so sorry for leaving you guys hanging! I know it seems like I'm making a lot of excuses, but I've just not been motivated enough to keep the story going...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sam's POV
As Katelyn and I were about to leave the dorms, we bump into a girl. I turn around to see who it is, but she quickly walks away through the dorms.
Wow, she must be in a hurry somewhere...As I turned to Katelyn's direction, I see that her hands begin to tremble with fear written all over her eyes.
"Katelyn, do you know her? Are you alright?", I hold her shaky hands, trying to calm her down. "Y-yeah...I do...but can we continue this discussion later? I...don't want to talk about it right now...", she murmurs the last part, but I was able to hear it.
I reassure her with a smile,"Okay." As we finally head out of the dorms, I spot a park nearby. "Why don't we go at the park for a bit? To help you unwind your thoughts?", I suggest. She looks away from the ground, and replies in a cheerful voice, "That'd be great."
Katelyn's POV
As we were strolling through the park, I was mesmerized by all the red & yellow leaves falling slowly onto the smooth cement, the kids playing tag in the far distance, and sun still coming up for the cold morning.
As I was in deep thought, Sam waves his hand in front of my face. I come back to reality, to meet his eyes with mine. "If you weren't listening, I said...do you want to go on the swings?", he asks. I look into the distance to see a pair of swings in the far distance.
"Sure! Sounds like f-" before I could finish my sentence, Sam says "Last one there has to push the other!", he yells as he dashed for the swings. A second later, I dash for the swings, passing by Sam. Once we both get there, we were out of breathe.
"HA! Katelyn 1, Sam 0!", I smile in triumph. Then, he smirks at me as he hops onto one of the swings. "HA! You mean I win!", he chuckled as I glare at him. "No fair..."
~Time Skip~
After about an hour of playing in the park, we head out to find a café. "Wait, I'll ask Carflo! He told me he's been living in Los Angeles for a few years now. He knows this city like the back of his hand!", he declares as he reaches into his pocket.
He speed dials Carflo's number after he fishes a black phone from his pocket. After a few rings, there was a guy's voice on the phone. I lean on Sam to listen to their conversation, luckily Sam didn't mind our closeness.
"Hey again Carflo! I need to ask yo-" "SAM WHY THE HELL DID YOU STEAL MY BURGER?!? I PAYED FOR THAT BURGER WITH MY OWN BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS!", he pulls the phone away from his ear.
(Somewhat reference to BTS...anyways...)"Right...sorry about that! I'll pay you back, I promise!"
"Well you better! I didn't bring much money, so I had to starve that whole day!"
"I will I will! In the mean time...do you know any good cafés? Or maybe even a ice cream parlour close to the dorms?"
"Actually I am it right now with my girlfriend! We're at the corner of Maple Street!"
"Okay, thanks!"

Is this Love? ~DISCONTINUED~
Любовные романыThis story takes place in Los Angeles where a young girl named Katelyn is attending a high school far from home. She tries and start a new life after a horrible past, but instead, she is met with a greater evil... A/N The beginning chapters are not...