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As Jacob found a lead on Starrick's syrup making, it leads us to the asylum. I was to accompany Jacob on his task, like always.

I drove all the way to the asylum, I couldn't stand Jacob's reckless driving, it made me dizzy.

"Here we are." I stopped the carriage, as I went down I patted the horse gently on the head and followed Jacob.

"Shall we, my love?" He said with a smirk and his hand lazily opened wide gesturing for me to go first. I pulled his arm down, causing him to crouch. "4 blighters, 2 for me and 2 for you Jacob." I pulled my hood and didn't wait for him to answer.

I grabbed a blighter by his leg causing him to fall on the ground, my blade seeped into his neck and he no longer struggled. I climbed up the building and jump on the sniper lady, I pushed my blade into her abdomen and covered her mouth so she won't make any sound.

Once I was done, I met Jacob's side. "There's an open window from here, lets go in." I climbed the window and there were a few guards in the inside. "We'll take em out, ready?" Jacob looked at me with half a smile. "Always." Jacob and I separated to take the guards down faster, we accomplished the first floor.

Once we went to the top, we took the guards down easily. Only then did I notice the screams, the laughters and the crying of the patients, the walls had few blood stains on them. This place was the first place to make me feel totally uncomfortable in my own skin. "You alright, love?" Jacob touched my shoulders to catch my attention and bring me back to reality. "Yes, of course." I gave him a fake smile, but Jacob could always see right through me.

As we reached the inside, Jacob and I saw a young doctor and an unconscious body laying on the bed. "This is where we take our separate ways." Jacob said quietly. "Meet me at the roof once your done." He gave me a nod and went straight to the bed. He carried the man's body and hid it at the corner, I prayed the doctor won't turn around. Once Jacob covered himself with the blanket, I knew he could make it. So I left.

While walking through the corridors, I lost my way but fortunately, no guards were around. Until, 2 blighters were torturing a patient. "Those scum bags." I said under my breath, lifting my hood as I did not see it was necessary for it now.

I sneaked behind both blighters who were laughing while the patient was screaming her lungs out. I took my sword and cut their neck at the same time. They both fell to the floor, holding their necks trying to stop the bleeding. As I was about to leave, the patient grabbed my arm.

Her face was covered in gauze, one of her eyes were covered. She looked terrified. She wanted to say something but she couldn't speak. I looked over her body to see many bruises on them, poor woman. Until, her necklace caught my attention. It was a round necklace with the carving of 'A.C' and underneath it was 'A.D' It looked just like mine.

I pulled out my necklace, that was always hidden in case nothing would happen to it. "Alexander Cobain and Alisa Delgadro..." I whispered to myself, those were my parents. The woman lifted her self quickly and jumped on me. She looked at my necklace and then at hers.

The first thought that came in mind, that it was my mother and she faked her death. "Who are you..?" I whispered. The woman placed her hands on my face, and stared at me.

As we heard blighters foot steps rushing in, she got off me and started running. I pulled my hood up and ran to them, slicing their necks.

Once I was done, I went on the rooftop to see Jacob already waiting. "What took you so long? You look like you've seen a ghost are you alright, lovely?" Jacob said tugging my hair behind my ear, as he placed his other hand on my cheek.

"Let's go celebrate." I said with a fake smile, Jacob was still worried but he did not say anything. "Alright." He placed his arm around my waist and off we went to a carriage.

The Idiot Assassin - Jacob FryeWhere stories live. Discover now