Chapt. 2

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We had been sitting on the couch for a good thirty minutes before Abigale said something again.

"So, it's getting really late. And I know you like your sleep. We can go back now if you'd like."

The party was a huge drag and I was too scared to get off of the couch, so I gladly agreed.

We started to head out when I bumped into someone.

I stumbled backwards and looked up. A giant kid was standing above me, and it appeared that the collision made his drink go all over him.

I stood up with lightening speed, "IM SO SORRY!" I screamed wincing, I was expecting him to punch me in the nose or something.

"Chill little dude, it's alright." I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me. I didn't smile back however, because I was still petrified.

"You okay? I didn't hurt you did I?"

Was he really asking me if he hurt me?

I stuttered, "Uh.. Um. N- no?"

"You didn't sound too sure, that was quite the spill. Would you mind if I checked out your head?"

I just nodded.

The guy carefully touched my back, making me quiver. He took a step back.

"Are you scared of me? You're alright, I wouldn't hurt you. You're too small, that would be a dick thing for me to do."

I eased up, and let him touch my back.

"There we go, the bathrooms over there."

We started walking, I was glad to see that he didn't lock the door behind us when we got into the bathroom.

"This is my house, if you didn't know."

Oh my god, this guy was in charge of the party? I mean, it was a nice house, just trashed from all of the kids and puke.

"I'll have to do a lot of cleaning." He chuckled.

I smiled back at him.

"You're a quiet little mouse aren't you?"

I just nodded.

He opened a cabinet located behind the mirror mounted on the wall, and took out a first aid kit.

He opened it and took out an alcohol wipe.

"There's a small bump on the back of your head, and I want to make sure that it didn't have a small laceration."

He sure knew a lot about injuries.

"My moms a nurse, so I know a lot."

What the fuck? Did he just read my mind?

Only then had I realized that my head really hurt, I guess I was so scared of him that I forgot to even check on myself.

"Here, this will sting a little. But it's for the better." He gently wiped the alcohol wipe on my head.

I hissed a little, but I didn't hurt as bad as dragging a blade across your skin.

"Thank you." I quietly said.

"You're very welcome, my name's Kayden by the way." He smiled.

"I'm.. Robin." I responded hesitantly.

"I like that name, Robin. It rolls off of the tongue easily."

"Thanks.. Um my friend is probably worried about me. We were heading out, and so she's waiting for me."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I didn't mean to keep her waiting."

I walked out of the bathroom when I heard Kayden say something, I turned around and heard "Hey! Maybe we can meet up again?"

"Sure, that'd be fun... I guess."

"Bro. Where were you? I saw you bump into that guy and then go into the bathroom." Abigale was practically yelling, she was probably worried.

"Did you just answer that or? Because I was in the bathroom, like you stated." She glared at me.

"This is not the time nor place to be sassy, Mr." She wiggled her finger in my face, I just chuckled.

"Come on, let's go." She grabbed my wrist yet again and we walked out of the door.

When we got into the car Abigale started interrogating me.

"So what was his name? What did you two do? Was he nice? Did he touch you? Do I need to kill him?"

"Woah, calm down Abby. Nothing happened, I bumped into him and he helped me up. He was nice enough to clean me up. His name is Kayden, by the way."

She waggled her eyebrows at me, once again.

"NO! It's not like that." I felt my cheeks grow red.

"Mmhmm." She mocked me.

"Girl I will slap you, don't think I won't." I threatened, she just giggled.

Kayden was at least 6'3, he was so fucking huge and really intimidating. But his teeth were white and clean and he had a fresh, black, Dean Winchester type haircut. It was really flattering on him. His eyes were a crystal blue, unlike mine which once were an ocean blue but have faded grey. And he smelt so so so nice. I'll have to admit, I found him quite attractive.

"So, what did you two talk about?" She asked.

"Umm, nothing much. He just apologized for scaring me", I paused for a moment, "Oh! He did ask if we could meet up again, that was a bit weird." I mumbled on.

"BRO!!! That means he's interested in you dummy!!"

How could I not of gotten the memo? I really am dumb...

"Really? Oh shit. Wow, okay. But, I have no way of reaching him again."

Abigale smiled really widely.

"And that's exactly why you have a best friend."

What have I done?

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