Chapt. 3

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2:03 Am, Tuesday.

I woke up, drenched in sweat. I was panting like a dog and my eyes were shut tightly.

"Shit, another nightmare." I said aloud.

I looked over at my alarm clock, quickly realizing that I forgot to take my pill. I have insane insomnia issues and I can't generally sleep unless I have a pill that puts me to sleep. I guess the party really tired me.

Nightly I will have nightmares that consist of me being abandoned by all of my family and Abigale, me being hurt by some unknown figure, or me dying.

It's really done a number on my mental health. I have constant fears that some of theses nightmares will come true, so my paranoia is at its highest level.

Knock Knock.

My sister entered the room, a look of worry on her face.

"Hey, kiddo. I heard you scream, another nightmare?"

I guess I had a night terror this time, they happen rarely but when they happen my sister always comes in and comforts me.

She can be a bitch, but I really do love her.

"Hey, Clair. Yeah, I'm okay. It was the same one as last time. You know, with that person chasing me."

She pouted and sat on the edge of my bed.

Clair is 18, she's almost done with high school. Her hair is thick and black, not black like mine. Mine is just black, boring black. Her's is so much prettier. It's a shiny, silver tinted color. If you've ever looked at the moon in pitch black, that's kind of what her hair looks like. Like, moonlight. Absolutely stunning. Her eyes are a shiny ocean blue, but there's a ring of dark blue on the edges of the lighter blue.

She's one of the prettiest people I've ever seen. No wonder all of the boys ask her for nudes and try to touch her ass in public. She's very pretty. It still doesn't make it acceptable. I remember when she was in 8th grade she broke a guys nose because he groped her boobs. He had it coming.

I crawled over to her and she cradled me in her arms. She was a bit shorter than me, I'd say about 5'2. But she grabbed most of my body and made me feel safe.

I loved this side of her, the sweet, protective side. Like most siblings we argue about stupid shit, like who will answer the phone and who's moms favorite. But we have a special bond. When I was born she was three, I was born with my eyes open which was super strange. And before even looking at my mother, I saw my sister. I obviously don't remember this, neither does she. But my mother does. She said that Clair came up to me and I grabbed her nose, and ever since that we've been almost best friends.

"Hey Clair...?" I asked after a couple minutes of being cradled.


"I really love you." I looked at her and she smiled.

"You're the cutest little thing, you know that?" She giggled and bopped my nose.

My nose crinkled causing her to giggle again.

"Let's get you your pills, I knew I forgot to ask if you took them."

I nodded.

We both stood up and quietly knocked on my moms bedroom door.

No reply.

We just entered, my mom was heavily asleep on her bed. Probably still drunk. I keep my pills in her bathroom because when she wasn't an alcoholic she would remember to give them to me. Some nights I hope that she'll check in on me, but it's not likely.

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