Already Gone [Tronnor]

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No one could've predicted the shift within Connor Franta. In a mere forty eight hours, the boy who would openly showcase his passions without giving a fuck over how he would be perceived became someone who was scared to death of voicing anything out into the world.

Not even his significant other for the past two months could find the cause, and that broke Troye's heart. He was supposed to be able to support him in times of trouble, not simply watch his best friend lose the entire workings of his soul.

Rather than giving Connor space to figure things out like the rest of their inner circle agreed upon, Troye took matters in his own hands.

"Tell me how to help you, please Con."

At the glance of the etch in Connor's features, he felt as if he was looking into a completely different person. This wasn't the boy he knew, the one he loved.

"Please Connor, talk to me."

Nothing could bring him back it seemed, for the fragile boy only managed to blink at the statement. His once glowing green eyes that Troye adored to pieces had none of their sweet shimmer.

"Could you just tell me one thing?" Troye muttered softly. "Am I the reason for this, am I responsible?"

As he processed the boy's words, Connor wanted nothing more than turn back the clock to where things were better, when he kept his home and school life in different stratospheres. As much as he wished they could have their happily ever after, it wasn't meant to be. After the reaction his parents had to him coming out two days ago, he couldn't see a point in dragging Troye down into the hell with him. He deserved someone who could love him more.

His thoughts drowned him to the point where he didn't realize Troye was already gone until it was too late. No explanation could be given, for now Connor was merely a lost boy who didn't want to be found.

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