Tag [Not A One-Shot]

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I was tagged to answer some questions by AppleTree33 and I thought hey, the questions sound fun to answer so why not?

Would you ever go to the Vatican? I'm going to sound so stupid but I kinda had to look this up *face palms* and I honestly don't know. (the idea of going there sounds nice though)
Are you superstitious? Not really.
PDA: yay or nay? I'm generally okay with PDA.
Do you see yourself in an old age home someday? Even though this question is relatively asking for more of a yes or no answer, I'm going to get a little deep (possibly existential) on you guys. I've never really been able to picture myself getting to an old age? I have no clue why.. *hides in a bundle of blankets knowing I'm going to sound nuts*
A day at the beach or hiking in the mountains? I really don't like the beach so I guess I'm going with hiking.
Who is your ultimate dilf? (dad I'd like to fuck) I started laughing when I read this because this was the last thing I expected, I really don't have an answer. (Not my kind of thing..)
What was your favorite cartoon growing up? I really liked a bunch of cartoons but the first thing that came to my mind when I read this was SpongeBob.
Would you ever go vegan/vegetarian? I've never really considered it before.. for now I'm going to say no though.
How do you feel about man-purses? I don't really have an opinion on them.
Favorite band? Either FOB or TØP

Questions of my own:
Name something that immediately takes you back to your childhood.
Last book you read that had an impact on you?
Describe the relationship you have with your family in one word.
Favorite candle scent?
Last song you became obsessed with?
If you could get any kind of tattoo, what would it be?
Favorite season?
Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?

I tag: -buzzcutseason

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