The Best Gift [Tronnor]

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As soon as the suggestion left his lips, Connor's jaw hit the floor.

"You want to film what?"

"The boyfriend tag, what's wrong with that?"

"Um..maybe the fact we're not out as a couple to our audience?" Connor responded, confused on all levels how the thought hadn't come to Troye's mind. "I thought we agreed it was best to keep our relationship private?"

"Don't you trust me Con?" Troye replied, seeming to not at all take note of his boyfriend's comments.

"Of course I trust you.."

"Then take a leap of faith on this one, alright?"

"Okay." Connor hesitantly gave in.

So rather than enjoy the beauty Perth offered that Sunday in January, the two boys took Troye's typical equipment for his videos to bring the idea into reality.

With the introduction carried out flawlessly, now came what they would consider the makings of the boyfriend tag.

"You made this with Tyler on his channel, how can you not remember what was asked in the tag?"

"It was almost two years ago, at the end of the day it was only a bit fun for Valentine's." Troye admitted. "How would you describe our relationship in one word?"


"Really, why's that?"

"We just get each other on levels we don't even comprehend half the time, it's just this connection that I wouldn't trade for the world that I'm happy I'm able to share with you." Connor explained.

"That's really sweet of you Con."

"Would you say it's sickeningly sweet like honey?" Connor joked with a light shove to his shoulder.

"I should've known you'd go there.." Troye remarked. "Anyways, on to the next question!"

"I have one, how much detail are you wanting us to go into for this?"

"What happened to trusting me?"

"I didn't say that, I just don't know to what extent you're wanting us to reveal ourselves is all."

"Con, just speak from your heart." Troye responded with a fond smile as he kissed his boyfriend's cheek ever so softly. "It's your speciality after all."

Over the course of them filming, Connor gradually let his guard down and treated the recording like any other time the two would converse over what they had together and how fortunate they felt to be able to call their significant other theirs.

"Do you remember how freaked out you got that time when you let me paint one of your nails?" Troye wondered as a smile came across Connor's features over the memory.

"It had been almost four in the morning, we both couldn't sleep because we were buried in work related things so to give both of us a breather I offered to paint your nails." he recalled. "After I was finished you insisted to treat me to the same, but I was on the verge of crashing from lack of sleep so we agreed on just one nail."

"We should do our nails tonight!" Troye exclaimed excitedly.

"What did you have in mind for yours?" Connor asked. "I don't want mine done this time though.."

"Oh come on, let me do yours properly this time please?"

"I don't know.."

"Could we at least go get some food?"

"If you're paying for it then sure."

"I thought you offered to earlier.." Troye started to say until Connor interrupted him.

"That was before you forced me to film."

"I guess I had that coming.." Troye muttered and then went on to conclude the video.

When weeks went by without any sign of Troye posting the video they made together, the whole thing slipped from Connor's mind. It wasn't until their first proper time together during the holiday season that he discovered why it was the Australian was so persistent on recording that day.

"Merry Christmas Con."

When he was handed his boyfriend's MacBook, the confusion was obvious on Connor's face.

"Click on the first link in the folder with your name on it." Troye explained.

Once he followed the instructions given, Connor couldn't believe his eyes. Over the course of the past year Troye had taken the time to compile anything from photos to videos like 'The Boyfriend Tag' to make him The Tronnor Compilation.

It was easily the best gift Connor ever received, simply because it came from the heart of his best friend.

This was so fun to write I'm not going to lie! authenticallytronnor requested that I write Troye and Connor doing the boyfriend tag and this is what I conjured up. I hope you enjoyed it. (:

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