Chapter 6: The past of our parents

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Gray POV

(W..what does she mean by....)

I stare at the dragon girl.

Staroid: "... I-I-I am s-sorry I brought t-that up!!"

She quickly bow and apologize.

Lucy: " Staroid... What do you mean by that..."

She stop apologizing, then she glance at me.

Staroid: "...Haiz... Both the Lovixia and Dres Van families have been ruling over the Dragon Realm for centuries, but... on the year X764, Layla Lovixia and Joshua Dres Van went to the Living Realm, or the human world, as Zeref's evil creations are more active. They went to the human world to seal the monsters again with a more powerful spell, afterwards, they stay in the human realm because they do not have enough magic to return here..."

She then pause and look at the two of us.

"Go on."

I urge her for I am way too inpatient to wait any longer, what does she mean by that? And who are those two people? Layla Lovixia..? Joshua Dres Van..? They sound so familiar...

Staroid: "... They stay in the human world to regain enough magic to come back, so they disguised themselves, hiding away their dragon wings and sealing their dragon powers. Layla used Celestial powers only and joined a guild called Love&Lucky, she met a man named Jude Heartfilia and got married and in the year X767, you were born, Lady Lucy."

She look over to Lucy.

My eyes widen, so are Lucy's because... Layla Heartfilia... is actually a ruler of Dragom Realm...!!

Staroid: "And as for Joshua, he seal away all of his magic because he wanted to experience a life with no magic in him. He changed his name to Joshua Fullbuster and bought a nice comfortable home near where Deliora was to keep an eye on it. He met a beautiful lady named Freya Astell and got married and at that very year on X765 you, Gray Fullbuster, was born."


Staroid: "Because they had you two, their magic is transfer to you, thus the seals on Zeref's creatures weakened... Few years later, Deliora managed to escaped, killing everything insight, including humans and animals, even your parents, Prince Gray. He could've sense it coming, if he hadn't sealed away his powers!"

I look into Staroid's eyes, it is felt with sorrow and anger.

Staroid: "And just like that, one of my dear friends was lost! I was so upset, not because he died, I was upset because he was being selfish... Then, Layla died of an unknown illness.. "

Lucy POV

(I...I... Am... )

By the time Staroid finishes her explanation and story... My eyes is fill with tears...

Staroid; "Alright... enough with the past, let's move on in life, I need to bring you two back to Dragon Realm to train."


(D...D...D-D-DRAGON R-R-REALM?!?!?!??)

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