Chapter 13: Our new friends

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Lucy POV

Today, Staroid knocked on my room door, and the sound echoed throughout my entire room.

"I'm coming, hold on!"

Before I even reached the door, Staroid shouted again.

Staroid: " Get changed, I already placed the attire at the left side of your closet, the one in white. "

Following her instructions, I opened the closet and found a white jumpsuit with red strips on the sleeves, a big line that spelled out ' Οεος'

After putting on the awkward suit, I opened the door to see two girl about Levy's height standing in from of my door in maid attires. They had dark brown hair, one with hair hair down, the other tied her hair in two pigtail, standing with both hand in front of them. As soon as they saw me, they immediately bowed down to me.

The girl with the pig tail introduced herself first

Helena: " Good morning your highness. My name is Helena and Helena is going to be your pesonal maid."

Eina: " Good morning your highness. My name is Eina and starting from today, I will be your personal maid as well."

" O-oh! Good morning! Please don't address me as that, it's kind of awkward and embarrassing... Anyway, it's nice to meet you both, Helena and Eina. "

Helena: " Helena and Eina have received instructions to escort you to the dining room."

Eina:" This way please..Ermm.."

"Lucy. My name is Lucy."

Eina:" Well then Miss Lucy, please follow us."


Gray POV


"*Yawn* yes?"

Staroid:" Get dress, the suit for training is in your closet already. Your personal butler is waiting for you downstairs."

" On it!"

Walking over to te icy blue closet, I opened it, wondering on the outfit that I'm supposed to get dressed in.

In there, was one jumpsuit with the word ' Οεος ' on it.

(Oh well whatever...)


Walking out of my room, I saw Lucy interacting to two girls.

"Hey what's up Luce. Morning!"

Lucy: " Oh, morning Gray!"

"And who are they?"

???:" Good Morning Mister Gray, we are the specially trained dragoniss that will be serving you. It's a honor to meet you, if you have any trouble, please feel free to request for us, we will be by your side twenty four seven. "

Lucy: " These two are Eina and Helena, and they are my... erm... helpers? "

Helena: " Mister Gray, your Butler, Egypgra, is at the common room waiting. "

"O-oh yes, I'm on my way then, bye!"

Lucy: " See you later~ "

Eina&Helena: " Be safe on your way your Majesty."

" Please don't call me that... "

(Stop feeling butterflies, Gray! You. Hate. Butterflies. You. Like. No. Bugs. Yuck..)


"Excuse me? Anybody here? "

From the right of the room, I saw Igneel talking to a man in a suit. He had golden short hair and sun kissed skin tone, and rather tall as well.

Igneel: " Oh, morning to you Highness, I would like for you to meet Egypgra (E-Jeep-Gra), your personal Butler, he'll attend to your every need. "

Egypgra: " Mornin', I know you can't handle formality. I'll be your Butler, but let's be friends as well. "

Smirking, I walked up to the man and grabbed his palm, firmly shaking it.

"Pleasure to meet you. Friend. "

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