~A Report~

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A/N: I had not intended to update this one again today, but it wouldn't leave me be, so instead of a Patience is a Virtue update, you get a second of this one. Thank you for reading my prequel to CL Stone's Ghost Bird Series. It was fun to see things from Phil Roberts' perspective.

~A Report~

Later that night......

Phil's POV

As I lay here with my wife draped half across my body, both of us as naked as the day we were born, I ran my fingers lovingly over her gorgeous body. It might not be the body of a model, but it is the body of the woman that I have loved almost all
my life. The one to bare our children.

I trailed my fingers up her spine, circled around the base of her neck, followed the curve of her shoulder blade out to her ribs, down each contour, dipping in slightly at her waist, then up over her full hip. I was making my way back to start, wishing that I was twenty years old again when I had a two minute recovery time. Hell, I would even be thankful for the 30 minute recovery time I had when I was forty. But alas, I am a man, nearly in my 60's, with the horny brain matter of a 20 year old, but the physiology of a man my actual age. I signed, hoping I have satisfied my wife completely, because I probably can't go again until tomorrow, without the help of a little blue pill.

"What has your brain so preoccupied? I hope it is thoughts of me and that unusually fantastic weeknight delight.". She ran her finger through my chest hairs.

"You are always on my mind.". I paused in my comment. " You have always given me everything, so much love and affection... Am I..." how do you ask your wife, of nearly 40 years, if you are enough for her?

"Phil, even though you sometimes believe I can read your mind, I really can't. Are you what?". She lifted up on her elbow to look me in the eyes.

"My brain, it thinks one thing. Sex, sex and more sex with you. Morning, noon and night. But my aged body..."

"We aren't teenagers anymore, Phil. One, wild passionate romp every few days is enough for me."

"You mean, you would be up for more than just on Sunday's?". I was surprised. I don't know why or when we fell into the routine of Sundays only sex, but it happened.

"Of course I would. I thought you were the one that only wanted to have coitous on Sundays. I was just trying to respect your wishes."

We both burst out in full belly busting laughter.

I tickled under her ample breast, "You know, I'm not the only one that can have needs. All you have to do is say the word...or not even use words, if fondling is a better way to communicate your desires.". I winked at her.

She gave me a loving kiss, "You dirty dog. How about sleep? It's past 10 already."

"We really are living the wild night life, aren't we?". I tried as beat I could to be as young as my mind thinks it is, but the yawn the took over my face proved my wife's point. We are getting old. And I should probably accept that fact before I throw my back or hip out while trying to prove I am still a verile twenty year old. It shouldn't matter. My wife knows and accepts my old age and my aging body. Even in old age we know how to make beautiful music together.

3rd person POV

Phil made an appointment to meet with Owen at a restaurant that is hopping with patrons in downtown Charleston. Usually, as an Academy contact, we only meet with the liasion of a team if there is bad news. But Phil has known of this ghost bird for five years. He wanted to see Owen's reaction in person. Will she really be the heart of this team? Phil also wanted to know if this bird was going to break the ice exterior Phil has struggled to chip away at the last ten years.

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