Gentle Giant

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Thanksgiving Day (November) 2008

The hospital was fairly quiet, now that the festivities were over.  Most of the staff had found places to sit or lay down, going into a turkey coma, as per usual.  Phil went to his office to relax in peace and quiet.  He was feeling a little sad and alone tonight at the hospital.  His wife had invited the Green's to their house, even though Phil couldn't be at home.

He hadn't heard where Owen was spending the holiday, but sometimes the stoic young boy preferred solitude to social gatherings.  This worried the aging man.  'How can we bring him out of his shell?'  Phil thought to himself.  But he settled his mind with the knowledge that between his wife and Sean, they will make sure Owen is looked after and a plate of goodies is taken back to the lonely boy.

Every time Phil was in a room alone with Owen, the inevitable questions of when they could be their own team would come up.  Phil was trying, but failing them both miserably.  He knew his time was running out.  Already a year and a half has past since their two year deadline.  The strongest concern was what will Owen do if Phil cannot make them a team in the designated timeframe?

Feeling desperate for some kind of guidance, Phil turned on the ancient computer, cringing at the awful noise that dial up makes.  Phil cursed the old thing.  "Why do you only work with this old computer?"

Of course there was no answer.  He was alone in his office.  He might have questioned his own sanity if he had received an answer.  Chuckling to himself, Phil undid the button on his slacks, to give his overstuffed belly a chance to settle.  Thanksgiving has such wonderful foods, and he over eats every year, regardless of the fact he tells himself he is going to go easy on the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls and pie.  Especially the pie!

The computer program connected to the AOL program and granted him with another picture.  He had never seen this boy before.  He appeared older than the our boys he had seen before.  Maybe this was someone they find in a few years, Phil contemplated.  Regardless, this boy looks sad.  That is the one thing that really pulls on Phil's heart strings.  Already, he knows that this boy, too, is important.

He read the caption to himself , 'Never underestimate the importance of the gentle giant.  I can't believe we approved this team of 9.'

Phil was beside himself.  He again began talking to himself, as he was alone in his office.  "A team of 9?  How does adding one more make nine?  Did I miss somethings?  Sean and Owen make two.  Add the five unknown boys, and you have seven.  And one more makes eight.  What am I missing?  If he is nine, who is eight?"  It is times like this hat Phil wished he could print the pictures so he can compare them to what he remembers over the years.

Cecilia was behind Phil, watching quietly.  "What exactly are you talking about, Phil?  I don't recall approving a team of nine.  Especially one including Sean and Owen."

Phil was surprised by Cecilia's presence and bumped the mouse, causing the FB page to disappear.  Phil stood up, straightening his white coat, "Why hello, Cecilia.  I was not aware that I was expecting your company today."  He almost sneered at her. 

"You weren't."  Was her curt reply.

Phil sighed and made his way around his desk, motioning for Cecilia to enter his office.  He closed the door behind her and held his tongue from spitting out profanities.  He respected Cecilia's role on the council, but the incessant woman caused Phil to go prematurely bald.  Or at least he was blaming it on her.  "What can I do for you today?"  Phil ground out between clenched teeth.

"We have an assignment for Sean and Owen.  They already turned it down, but we, the rest of the council, feel that if the offer were presented correctly, from someone they implicitly trust..."  She held her hand out toward Phil, palm up, suggesting he make the new offer, one they cannot refuse.

"If they already said no, I'm sure it was for good reason.  I will not coerce them to take a mission they do not want."  Phil's voice raised, letting his anger seep out.

Cecilia countered, "If they will not take this mission, almost designed exactly for them, then we will take measures to separate them.  Maybe indefinitely."  She raised her perfectly manicured eyebrow in challenge.  She knows how close Phil has gotten to both boys and that he seems to be protective of their relationship.  Insisting on keeping them together.

"You will NOT separate my boys!"  Phil yelled without thinking.

Her lips curled up into a semi smile.  "Your boys?  Since when did you adopt them?"

Phil took a few deep cleansing breaths.  It was time to go into calm Doctor mode.  "If I present this mission to them, what will we offer in return?  They are already debt free.  And if you hadn't noticed, they have a surplus of favors.  I am guessing that you didn't offer them, or possibly grant them, what they have wanted the most."  Phil realized that he has the upper hand again.  Cecilia fidgeted in her seat and her left eye was twitching.

"The council has agreed that you can offer them whatever you feel necessary to seal the deal."  Cecilia explained the mission.  They were to go into one of the local elementary schools, acting as a teacher's helper, as they get their community service hours for their junior high school project.  That was their cover.  In actuality, they were to figure out the mysterious occurrences taking place.  Items were going missing, grades were being changed, children pegged as bullies were being strung up to flag poles and getting a dose of their own medicine.  Phil wanted to laugh.  In his mind he thought, why aren't we trying to figure out who is accomplishing all of this and recruiting them?

Coming back to the present in his thoughts, Phil extended his hand in offer of a bond agreement.  "I get them to do this mission and no one questions what I offer in exchange?"

Begrudgingly, Cecilia agreed.  "Deal."  Cecilia shook hands with Phil, sealing the deal.  Her word as her bond was as strong as a signed contract.

"Expect to hear from Owen and Sean later today, accepting this particular mission."  Phil smiled so wide his eyes crinkled in the corner.  For the last 18 months he has presented and fought for Sean and Owen to be their own team.  No one else on the council liked this pairing.  But Phil knows better.  He has trusted his glimpses into the future and has not been led astray yet. 

Today is the day he can finally offer them what they want, to be their own team.  Knowing this information made Phil laugh out loud uncomfortably.  "It has begun!"

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