Chapter One: The Move

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"Alex is that the last box left in the truck?"

"Yes it's all in here TT... where did Sher run off to ?" He gave me a look that seemed as if he was annoyed with the fact that she had to suddenly leave.

"She told you she had to meet with Jordan, why are you asking questions that you already know the answer to?" I said in a suspicious tone. He barely even looked at me when I asked this question, it was as if I hadn't even said anything at all. "Are you okay Lex ?" I asked trying to figure out why he was being so damn strange.

"I'm fine T, I just think it's rude of her to up and run off when she knows that you're going to need help to unpack all of this shit, I mean you two are sharing the apartment now so it would just have been nice for her to help you," he said. 

"Well it's okay, that's why I have you" I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes. "Jordan is her girlfriend so I guess I understand that she kind of HAD to run off when she called." 

"She didn't HAVE to do shit, she could have explained that she was busy but I guess it's none of my business anyway" he shrugged after finishing his sentence. 

I just can't understand why whatever Sher did always bothered Alex so much, and I hated to see it because they're both my best friends and I hate feeling as if I have to pick a side between the two of them whenever they had their disagreements. I decided not to question Alex further about why Sher leaving annoyed him. The both of us were just silently unpacking things from boxes and onto my room floor.


After about two hours of unpacking with Lex, I was beginning to starve and knowing Alex he is probably hungry now too. " You want something to eat Lex?"

"YES!" he practically shouted in excitement almost startling me.

"Calm down Lex, I asked if you wanted food. I didn't say you won the lottery" I laughed, although I'm sure an unlimited supply of my cooking was worth more to him and his gut than money ever will be. He could eat! and eat lots of everything yet he still managed to maintain his extremely toned body. Alex had always been muscular, ever since I met him in high school, he was always that toned guy that did track & field that half of the girls were obsessed with. I hated him at first, the way girls threw themselves at him was disgusting and I just assumed that he was overly confident in himself, you know one of those guys that thought they were all that. Turns out he was one of the sweetest boys in the entire school after he caught someone who had just stolen my phone from me we became friends and from there, the friendship grew. He has been the big brother I wish I had. 

I had a lot of problems in high school and if it wasn't for Lex, I don't how I would have survived because my parents weren't really parents and my only other real friend was Sher, everyone else was just acquaintances there. High school was pretty tough for Lex too, considering he had to balance his grades, the tracks and his drugged-up mom who definitely had issues that wore him out half the time. We found strength in each other and I thank god for him every day, he's just the best one might say. We've been close throughout high school, and straight through college. Now that we are both 24 and working our bond is stronger than ever. 

Sher on the other hand met me in a completely different situation from Alex, I once dated this guy named Jarrett in high school turns out he was dating Sher and me at the same time. Instead of going at each other, we plotted against him and we both realized that we deserved so much better. We taught Jarrett a lesson and I'm sure he will never cheat on a girl again, thanks to us. I guess that's what pushed her the other way, she didn't date any more guys after Jarrett, she said it was a waste of time and she found solace in other girls. I have always admired Sher; she always turned situations around and made them better. She had a loving family and a baby brother, they grew up poor but she never let it bring them down and now she's as successful as she had planned to be in high school. She's always been my close friend but recently she's become more like a sister, similar to how Lex is basically my brother from another mother. I love them both equally because they mean the world to me; they are a part of me, and they're my family. 

About half an hour later I was done making some saltfish fritters for Lex and me, my parents use to make them all the time back when we lived in Jamaica. We migrated when I was around 13, I miss home sometimes but at the same time, I'm glad I am where I am. I do visit regularly to spend time with my granny and my other family members. I love to spend time just enjoying my island home.

As I brought the plate of fritters to the counter, Lex was already seated and waiting and even though they were extremely hot, he shoved one into his mouth as if he has never eaten before. I just had to laugh at him and his gut and the noises he was making as he was enjoying the fritters.

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