Chapter Six: The Moron

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I honestly felt like a moron for the way I just made my assumptions about Marcus based on the two interactions we had. I mean I didn't really give the guy a chance but at the same time, I wasn't sure if he was even worth giving a chance. Somehow I just couldn't get the 'what ifs' about him out of my mind.

I was glad to finally be home but as Lex dropped me off I was wondering if he was alright because it was unlike him to not follow me up to my apartment door and come and steal my food. His behaviour was kind of off but I decided that I would him about it when I knew he was home. 

As I stepped in I saw Sher and her girlfriend sitting on the couch eating pizza and my eyes lit up when I saw the box on the counter, hopefully there is some for me. 

"Hey guys," I said.

Only Jordan responded which probably meant that Sher was upset with me for something. I knew her as I knew myself.

"What is it Sher?" I said while walking over to check the box to find 3 gorgeous slices of Hawaiian pizza. I started eating without waiting for her response; halfway through my first slice I figured she just wasn't ready to talk about it yet but then...

"Why are you hiding things from me?" she sounded upset.

"And what is it that you think I'm hiding?' I questioned

"That guy this morning, Marcus, you two fucked didn't you? And you haven't said shit to me. Where do you even know him from? Were you being safe? "

"Sher, it really isn't like that, I don't see why you're upset. We didn't have sex. He wanted to fuck me, and I wanted to fuck him but I stopped it before it got anywhere. Happy ?" I said while rolling my eyes because she was acting like a child whose best friend didn't tell her about the boy she liked. 

"Oh, you two looked like you fucked and I just didn't like that I felt left out," she said 

I burst out into laughter. " What do you mean we looked like we fucked?"

Sher claims that we have a lot of 'heat' between us, it was weird that she picked up but somewhat true.

I gave Sher the whole run down and of course Jordan too since she was there.

After talking with Sher, I decided that I'd talk to him when I see him at work next week, maybe apologize or something for being so quick to judge him, he doesn't seem so bad to me anymore.

For now, I'd just go to bed and try to mentally prepare for my early morning yoga session which might be a little bit awkward with Anthony tomorrow. I was too tired to even call Lex to talk but I certainly won't forget that I need to check in with him.


The sound of my extremely loud alarm woke me up in time to get ready and go to my Saturday yoga class. I decided to have a nice shake for breakfast before class to give me a boost. It was going to be a good day and I'm just hoping that there will be no uncomfortable encounters today, whether with Anthony or Marcus.

Since I told myself I should be nicer to Marcus, I decided to shoot him a quick text.

"Hey, are you going to class this morning?" the text read.

I went down to the lobby and I grabbed some fresh fruits to give Thomas before I left my apartment. I just thought of him when I was adding some to my shake so why not.

"Miss Cameron, you really didn't have to but thank you, they look delicious," he said

"It's no problem dear," I said walking out the lobby.

"Have a good day!" I heard him calling after me

"You too!" I shouted back

I really have grown to like him.


I arrived at the yoga studio just in time for the class but when I went, it was empty. Not a soul in sight. Did I not get the 'class is cancelled' memo? I am really confused.

I stepped in anyway, despite seeing how empty it was from the outside. I decided to call, maybe they were in a different room or something.

"Hello?" I said.

No reply

"Is no one here?" defeated I began to turn to leave when someone grabbed me.

I started screaming but the person wouldn't let go. My cries for help were muted by the cloth that was being held over my mouth and before I knew it, everything went blank.


Author's Note

I started this book a few years ago and I never finished it. Over the years I lost the motivation to write and I thought at a point that I had lost my creative side. I have now realized that what comes from within can never truly be lost so now, I will try my best to continue because writing has always been one of my many loves, I appreciate all supporters who started reading it when I first published it and for all new readers, thank you so much. I hope you enjoy it!

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Remember, positivity and constructive criticism are always welcome

- XOXO, Vi

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