Chapter Two: The Meet

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After eating all of his fritters plus some of mine, Lex and I relaxed and then watched a movie. Shortly after, he left and I thanked him for all of his help with today, it was pretty stressful to do this whole moving thing. It was around 6 p.m. now and Sher was just getting back in since she left me this morning.

"Tia ! OMG I'm sorry Jordan really needed me for something, you know how she gets moody sometimes but I'm really sorry, I should have been here to help you and Alex with all of the stuff today." 

 I was slightly annoyed as Lex had been about the fact that she just left me while I was moving into our apartment but I just decided to let it slide."It's okay Sher, Lex helped a lot, I have most stuff packed out already, I'm just pretty drained now"

She smiled at what I said then she did her usual check-up on my entire day and I filled her in on all the boring tales of unpacking and how I couldn't decide what to put where in my room. I also told her about how Alex ate the fritters like a savage and we both laughed, it's these little moments that make happy memories for me.

I love the apartment we live in, it is so spacious and just perfect for Sher and me. It is close to everything and I love how I can walk everywhere I want to go.... food stops, the mall, coffee shops, yoga classes, you name it, it's all within walking distance. And thank god because neither Sher nor I have cars, well not yet for me at least. Lex was the only one of us with a car right now and I didn't want to have to bother him all the time to go wherever I want to go. The apartment has a welcoming modern design to it all, with sleek lines and neat furniture. The decor is mostly black and white with accents of royal blue and mustard. I love how it just fits my style, Sher had moved here a month earlier and she really did a number on the place, she made it gorgeous and it suits both of us well. 

I'm glad I'm finally able to be here with my two best friends, we had planned this big move with each other a long time ago; unfortunately, they moved here way before me and I was honestly slowly dying without them. From drama at work to drama with my landlord back in Cali, even drama with my egg and sperm donors, because those people are not parents I just couldn't take living there anymore. Being alone in Cali all the time was no fun for me, I can't survive without my best friends even though they drive me crazy half the time, they're my family in every way, they always have been and I love them so much for it and for simply being them.

Before going to bed after my first day here in NY, I took a long warm bath to help me to relax. Warm baths always made me sleep easier at night. I got out of the bath, dried off and got dressed then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on my satin bonnet to cover my big curly hair and I was ready to sleep. As soon as my head hit the pillow I'm pretty sure I fell right asleep because everything after that was a blur.


It's around 8 a.m. and I'm just waking up, I could smell the food Sher was making and it smelt delicious. I decided to go off to the kitchen to see what she was up to. "Morning Sher," I said with a warm smile. I went to sit by the island and she turned around to face me. "Morning," she smiled brightly. "I made us some delicious blueberry waffles and bacon and I also made you some coffee". I thanked her then went around to grab the coffee and the food.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked as soon as we were both seated with our plates.

"Well, Jordan and I are planning to go to the mall, I want to go shopping so she's taking me, you can come with us if you'd like," she said happily

"Oh no, that's okay, I was thinking to do some walking around to kind of get to know the place, plus the sun is out and it looks like a beautiful day"

"Okay Ella," she said, I smiled at her nickname for me.

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