Chapter six

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Little Ethan doesn't know what he's getting himself into agreeing to help Michael, but he didn't have a choice. I feel bad for Ethan, it's obvious the comfortable life he's worked so hard to build is going to be rocked by Michael. Let's see what happens next.

Michael's P.O.V

"What are you doing with that boy Mike?" Ava walks out asking me as Ethan drives away

"I don't know, he says I invited him to my party and I know he's lying I just don't know why"

"Why would he come here uninvited?"

"That's what I have to find out, he said he'd stay away after my mom basically threatened his life"

"Maybe he has a crush on you"

I smile "maybe." I don't hate the idea of Ethan having a crush on me, it's just that nothing will ever happen. He's so uptight and too put together, but there's something about him. He's nice and gives a shit about others, and the fact that he doesn't know how cute he is makes him even cuter. Ava and I walk back inside and I party the rest of the night away.

As I'm dancing with a really hot guy he asks "wanna get out of here?"

Whispering in his ear I reply "best question I've been asked all night" taking his hand I walk to Ava "I'm heading out"

"Of your own party?"

"These people don't care" we look around "anyway this nice piece of ass and I are heading back to my place" I say grabbing the guy's ass "I'll see you in the morning?"

"Alright, give me your car keys you're too drunk to drive. There's a driver waiting out front" she kisses me on the cheek "go have fun"

Leaving my party we get in the limo waiting and the driver drives away. "What's your name?" I ask him as we kiss

"I'm Joey"

"Not gonna lie, I'll probably forget that in the next half hour"

He laughs "I'm in a limo with Michael Young, I didn't even think you would ask for my name" he's right I was just being nice. We get to my place and kiss our way to my bed, already naked he lays down flipping and turning teasing me as I stand and watch him. "Come here" he pulls me closer and unbuttons my pants as I stand by the bed and he sits on it. Taking out my dick he slowly sucks it as he looks up at me. I take my jacket and shirt off as he continues to work on my dick.

After 2 hours of sex we both crash. Next morning I wake up to the loud ringing coming from my phone, reaching around for it with my eyes close. I look at the screen and it's an alarm "get your ass up" I whisper reading the screen. "Ava you asshole" I drop my phone realizing this is her doing. Turning around I see a body next to me, crap what's his name? oh well I wrap my arm around him and fall back to sleep.

"Hey wake up" I feel a hand on my arm shaking me, Not Ava's cold, evil, skinny hands but firm man hands. "I made coffee wake up" I hear the mans voice, I slowly open my eyes to look at him "good morning" he smiles

"Hi?" I reply in my very awful morning voice

"I made coffee" he hands me a mug

"Thanks" I take it "what time is it?"

"It's almost 2 pm"

"Did my assistant come by at all?"

"Yep she was here an hour ago but I told her I knew the drill and I'd wake you up before I left"

"And she believed you?" I ask in disbelief

"Yes" he smiles "she said she'll be back in an hour, I better be gone and you better be awake"

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