Chapter eight

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Ethan and Michael are back at Michael's place now, Michael is pissed but he's trying to keep his cool around Ethan. Let's see how he does.

Michael's P.O.V

Walking into my place I toss my keys on the counter, I pace back and forth as my blood boils trying to act like nothing's wrong around Ethan "I'm sorry I brought you here I should just take you home" I say

"No it's ok" walking into the kitchen I open the cabinets looking for a glass and I can't find one

Slamming all the cabinets shut "where's a fucking glass when you need one!" Startles Ethan, looking at me frightened he hands me a glass "thanks" I pour some scotch in the cup and chug it

"What happened?" He asks quietly keeping his distance from me

"My family happened" I laugh out of anger "I'm such a fucking disappointment!" I pour myself another drink

"That's not true"

"How do you know? You don't know me!"

"Yeah but I know what I've read, you've done some good"

"Don't believe what you read Ethan, whatever is out online or in the papers is only to make me look good. It's not real"

"Are all the bad stuff real?"

"What do you think the good stuff is out for?"

"To cover up the bad stuff" I nod agreeing with him. "Well I don't think you're a disappointment" he slowly comes closer to me as I lean against the counter sipping my drink

"How can you be so sure?"

"The past few days I've known you I've yet to see something you've done that was remotely disappointing"

"Give it time, you will."

"The other day you said you were gay"

"I am"

"Do you think how to be gay is something you can learn?" Where is he going with this

"What kind of question is that?" I put my cup down

"Just answer it"

"No I don't" he smiles

"Maybe and I'm just guessing but maybe all the things you do to get you in trouble is because you're confused about who you are and you're just trying to figure it out"

"I don't know maybe"

"Does being gay scare you?"

"Does it scare you?"

"Yes it took me awhile to admit it but yes it does"

"That's sad" I go to pour myself another drink but Ethan takes the bottle out of my hand

"This is what gets you in trouble"

"Give that back" I try to get it from him but he moves it away

"No you'll just keep drinking until you do something stupid"

"Then let me, why do you care?" I move closer and closer trying to get the bottle but he hides it behind his back

"I won't feel bad for you if you drink yourself into doing something dumb"

The closer I get to getting the bottle back the closer our bodies get to each other "I don't need you to feel bad for me" I reach around him trying to take the bottle our faces inches away from each other "you think you're mister perfect" our noses are practically touching "but you're not"

"I know I'm not perfect" his eyes pierce into mine "far from-" before he could finish I do it I kiss him. His eyes grow in shock as our lips imprint onto each other's

"Guess who just got fucking fired?!" Ava walks in the front door "Woah!" She sees us and Ethan quickly pulls away "what is going on here?" she walks towards us smiling

"Nothing!" I answer "what do you want?"

"So we're gonna act like that didn't just happen? Ok, your father just fired me"

"Is he stupid? He can't fire you, you work for me"

"Yeah well he writes my checks dummy" I walk away heading to my room and Ava follows as she yells at me "you just can't help it can you? Always have to start shit! Always have to rattle your father's cages"

"Ava shut up!" I turn to her "this what you wanted right? To see me fail" I clap "well congratulations it's fucking happening!"

"That's not fair! I've had your back through this whole thing!" She laughs "but of course you don't see it that way, BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING SELFISH MICHAEL" she walks back to the kitchen where Ethan's standing quietly "if I were you kid I'd run far away from that train wreck, trust me he's not worth it" she turns to me "I'm done Mike" then leaves.

"I- uh" Ethan's voice cracks "I should go" I don't say anything and he leaves.

Taking the bottle I throw it at the door and angrily watch as it shatters all over the floor. Fuck my dad! Fuck Ava! I don't need any of them. Grabbing my keys I slam my door shut getting into my car I drive away as fast as possible. I'm so fucking tired of everyone telling me how to live, I can't figure one fucking thing out for myself.

I go to the only gay bar I know far far away. "What can I get you Hun?" The bartender asks

"Whiskey" I sit there my head in my palms frustrated

"Long day?" She asks

"Long fucking life" she hands me the drink and I chug it "another" she pours it.

I sit there contemplating my life and the bartender hands me a drink I didn't order, I look up at her confused "you've made a friend" ehe points and I look over to this guy smiling at me

Raising the glass to him I chug it. He signals me to meet him in the bathroom and I thought about not going but it's what everyone expects of me already so why the hell not. Walking into the bathroom he says "hey"

"Don't talk" I push him into a stall and kiss him and he unbuckles my belt. He gets on his knees and takes my dick into his mouth. My breathing gets heavy as he continues to suck. Pulling him up I press him against the stall wall I pull his pants down exposing his ass. With no warning I push my dick into him causing him to groan. I start to fuck him feeling no remorse, not slowing down I pushing harder and harder not caring if I hurt him. After what felt like the shortest fuck of my life I cum all over his back, pulling my pants up I walk out of stall washing my hand and leaving the bathroom.

Before I can ask for another drink the bartender hands me one "we all have bad days" yeah I bet.

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