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A man with blue hair is fighting off bandits when we arrive. He looks worn and tired, having seemingly traveled a long way.

Lloyd runs forward without hesitation to join the man. The two of them are more than enough to defeat the enemies. The mysterious man sheathes his enormous sword. He is wearing leather armor and a cape, and stands nearly as tall as Regal. His intense eyes study us for a moment, before he bows his head slightly.

"My name is Ike. I come from afar, seeking only to help. Do you speak this language?" The blue-haired man says. His voice is deep, and seems to radiate power.

"Yes, we do. I am Lloyd Irving, and these are my friends." Lloyd gestures to all of us. "Colette Brunel, Raine Sage, Genis Sage, Sheena Fujibayashi, Zelos Wilder, Regal Bryant, and Presea Combatir." We all wave at the mention of our name. Ike lowers his head to each of us in turn.

"You said that you came from afar. What land did you come from? I have never heard one with your accent." Raine remarks.

"Nor I, one with yours." Ike replies. "I come from the land of Crimea, which neighbors Gallia, Begnion, and Daein. Goldoa, Phoenicis, and Kilvas used to be all of the known world, though I know this land to be of another."

"You are in the town called Iselia, in the New Land, the two divided worlds of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla that became one." Genis says, easily slipping into the way that Ike speaks.

"How did you come by this land?" Raine asks, using his form of speaking as well.

"I swam across a boarder that is not on any map I have seen. Once I had crossed it, I sighted your land and made for it. I ended up in a forest, which I crossed, and saw some bandits. That's when your party approached." He turns to Lloyd. "You are excellent with a blade. Who was your teacher?"

"I'm mostly self-taught. My...there was a man that perfected my technique." Lloyd replies.

"I see. My father taught me as well." Ike says. Lloyd backs up, as if he had been hit.

"How did you know...?"

"My father died a few years ago, so I have overcome my sorrow. It is easy for me to see the wound that is left from his leaving." Ike says. "I am truly sorry for your loss."

Lloyd does not reply.

"Are you the leader of this band?" Ike asks.

"I'm not the oldest. Or the wisest." Lloyd replies. I smile at his attempt to match the man's way of speaking. Lloyd looks back at us.

"You're our leader Lloyd." Genis says, nodding. Lloyd looks to Raine. She nods.

"Genis is right, Lloyd. You have proven yourself time and again." The professor says, smiling. "Although you are right in saying you are not wise. You haven't even completed your studies!"

Lloyd holds up his hands in defense. I walk forward and lower them. "We would follow you anywhere, Lloyd."

Ike smiles. "It seems you have reached a low point as well. I left my land searching for answers. Just now, I realized what I was looking for." He gazes in the direction of the sea. "I need to return to my land. My friends will be worried. Besides, I left my duty all too willingly." He turns back to Lloyd. "If you need to find a new path, perhaps you should come to my land for awhile. You may just find what you are looking for."

Raine steps forward when Lloyd is at a loss for words. "How about we give him a day to decide?" She says to Ike. "You need to rest, anyway. We will show you the way. Colette, Lloyd, why don't you go to Dirk's for awhile?"

I nod and drag Lloyd away. His feet start moving a moment later.

"What would you do?" Lloyd asks me.

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