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Know that it is a sequel to my other book Courage is the Gift I Offer. These books, along with others soon to come, have connections, I promise. If you do not like The Legend of Zelda, I suppose you do not need to read the first book, but it might help in the long run. This book will most likely be a short story, like the others.

UPDATE: This book is OLD. I wrote this a loooong time ago, so my writing style is.....ugh. Read at your own risk. :)


Character bios:

The main group:

Lloyd Irving- a young man that has now saved the world twice. He is in a slight relationship with Colette Brunel. He was marked as a murderer and blamed very recently when another man attacked Palmacosta. The other man was revealed, and Lloyd cleared, but there is still distrust. Lloyd is very brash, kind, and loyal. He stands up for what he believes in. Fights with a sword.

Zelos Wilder- the Chosen if Tethe'alla. flirts with all of the women. Despite this, he can be very perceptive and becomes serious when necessary. Red hair. Fights with some magic and a sword.

Colette Brunel- 'dumb blond'. Literally. She acts confused a lot, and often trips. She is the chosen of Sylvarant. She is known world wide for regenerating the world, and is often called the 'chosen of regeneration'. In a slight relationship with Lloyd. She is very kind and selfless. Has pink wings (part angel) Uses chakrams.

Genis Sage- lloyd's best friend, and Raine's younger brother. Half-elf with white/silver hair. He is very intelligent, but still acts very young. Uses a kendama, and is the major magic-user.

Raine Sage- lloyd, genis, and colette's old teacher. Genis's sister. A calm, calculating woman that cares a lot about her students. She has a 'ruin mode' in which she literally freaks out around ruins. It's hilarious. A half-elf with silver/white hair. She is the main healer, and has a staff.

Presea Combatir: a pink haired girl who looks 14 but is in fact 30. Her body hosted a cruxis crystal for sixteen years that stopped her emotions and growth. She is starting to finally express emotion. She wields an axe without difficulty, despite being very small.

Regal Bryant: a gentle and mature older man, and is respected by many. He has blue hair. His hands are self-shackled after he was forced to kill Presea's sister, who was also his love. (It's complicated...she turned into a monster and tried to kill him). He never forgave himself, so he only fought with feet from then on out. He is the President if the Lezareno Company. Fights with greaves by kicking and such.

Sheena Fujibayashi: she is a ninja from Mizuho. She can summon the summon spirits of the world. Although she has a thing for falling down holes and traps, she is an honest woman. Wears purple, and has purple/black hair. She fights with cards, igaguri style, and summoning.

Other characters

Decus- could change form in the Dawn of the New World. He took on Lloyd's form and killed many people. Rather insane and wears terrible cologne.

Emil Castagnier- a blond teenage boy that once was Ratatosk. He started out as the suppressed spirit. He was very shy and wimpy, but became much better through meeting new friends and becoming a Knight if Ratatosk. He hated Lloyd for the longest time, because he believed that Lloyd had killed his parents, even though it turned out to be Decus...and Emil never had parents in the first place. Eventually befriends Lloyd, along with his friends. In a relationship with Marta Lualdi. Uses a sword.

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