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The next few months are a flurry of battles, learning experiences, and training. Even when I am sitting and talking to the Greil Mercenaries, I seem to learn more about myself and how people think. I've gained muscle, and Colette has learned healing artes. Soren told me that I had enough power in me to learn magic, but I told him that I prefer my sword. Ike smiled at that. Genis wondered aloud if my power was due to Cruxis.

Honestly, I don't care.

I'm surrounded by friends, and saving people on a much larger scale. In some battles, Ike has trusted my judgment enough to follow. He says that he appreciates a fresh, unhardened heart. As much as he would like not too, he sees the outcomes of battles all too well, and tends to not fight to overcome the inevitable. I, however, have enough spirit and courage (and stupidity, Raine claims) to go for the morally correct choice.

Genis has made wonderful friends with Soren, the resident tactician and mage. Raine is like an older sister to Mist, as they are both healers. Rhys will sometimes join in with their conversations, but he is mostly praying. Colette admires his attention span. She could never pray that long. Mia likes to challenge me to battles a lot, as we have similar builds and fighting styles. She is always faster than me, though.

There are only eleven Greil Mercenaries, but I have seen them take out entire armies with ease. They are a well-balanced group, and faithfully follow Ike's orders.

I met Elincia only once. She was surprisingly young to be a queen, and very kind. The one time she was in a battle with us, though, her kindness seemed to disappear. She was filled with protectiveness of her people, and rode in furiously with her pegasus. Her weapon gave her powers beyond imagining. She would still stop to pull out a staff and heal wounds, though.

I had to fly once. We were being chased by laguz that were on some kind of drug (Ike doesn't explain well), and I had to be a distraction. The only way I could think to do that was to pull out my wings. It worked, and the mercenaries freaked out, but managed to keep fighting. Boyd won't stop teasing me now.

When we look around during the aftermaths of a battle, the people have escaped with minimal wounds, and Raine, Rhys, and Mist set right to work. Little children dance around Titania's horse, a woman hugs Ike in thanks, and Boyd wrestles with a grown man. Elderly fawn over Rolf, and either Oscar or Mist save him. Shinon and Gatrie stay in the back, as usual. Mia talks to Presea. Genis drifts over to Colette and I, and we stand in silence.

Just the three of us, as it began, and as it will end.

At least, that is what I thought.

And then I heard the noise. My lifelong friends turned with me, and we all saw the blue box. A man stepped out, and looked right at me.

"You, Lloyd Irving, are important."

The End.

Well, that was short. Again, I apologize for the shortness of it. Hopefully it works for you, because I think it ties into this little storyline that I have cooked up perfectly. The next book will be......(drumroll).....Teen Titans! Hahahahaha......I'm such a nerd. Anyway, Lloyd will return later in the series.

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