Chapter 17

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~Harry POV~

After I was done with Jessica, I put on some pants and slid into Brianna's room. Her and Justin were cuddling on the bed. That should be me. I didn't even flash them a smile, I just clenched my jaw.

"Hey love birds." I said holding my hands behind my back. They both looked up at me.

"So, me and Jessica are going to red lobster next week. Do you want to come?" I asked. Justin looked at Brianna, Brianna nodded, then her brown eyes went to me.

"Sure." She said with a smile.



Jessica came to the dorm all dressed up, and I looked at her with confusion.

"It's just red lobster, why are you wearing a tight little dress?" I asked putting my hands on her waist.

"For you..." She said slinging her arms around my neck. I smirked. Then, Brianna and Justin came out of her room. Brianna was just casual but she looked beautiful. Maybe it was the red lipstick, or her hair flowing to her bum, or her low cut v neck shirt. I looked at Brianna, observing her. Her boyfriend standing next to her with his hands in his pockets. Then, Jessica took her hand and made me look at her.

"Are you guys ready?" Jessica snapped. Brianna looked at her and nodded.


We finally got seated and looked at the menus. I sat next to Jessica, but Brianna sat across from me. As I looked at my menu I stole peeks at her. I hoped she was glimpsing at me, but she was just whispering what she may get to her boyfriend. My heart feels so lonely. Finally the waiter came.

"Hello guys, what would you like to order?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm getting the crunch popcorn shrimp." Brianna nodded at the waiter. I smirked, I don't know why, but I did.

"I'm getting the crunchy popcorn shrimp too and the garlic shrimp scampi, and the pilot's platter. And on the sides of those I want broccoli, French fries, and do you guys have rice?" Jessica asked. The waiter nodded in surprise.

"Rice too." Jessica nodded.

"I'll get the crab linguini alfredo." Justin read. Then the waiter looked at me.

"Just hand breaded shrimp please. That's it."

"Ok, and what drinks do you want?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have the majito." I said, an alcoholic drink.

"I'll have the mango mai tai." Justin ordered.

"I'll have Pinot Grigio, my favorite." Brianna smiled.

"Wonder how we're getting home." I asked with a smile.

"I'll have a water." Jessica ordered, I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. The waiter nodded and walked away.

"Just water?" I asked. She nodded and put hair behind her ear. "K babe."


"She so came up to me." Justin said, telling the story of the day they met.

"Ok, no. I sat next to you. And you began talking to me." Brianna fought laughing. Jessica laughed at their story, I didn't even flash a smile. I just sat there with my arm around Jessica, staring.

"Ok, you did kind of catch my eye." Brianna said with a nod.

"A friend led me to you." She said smiling at me. I put on a little fake smirk, but that soon left my face. She glared at Justin's eyes.

"Then you said a cheesy pick up line." Brianna smiled.

"That worked." Justin added.

"And one thing led to another, and here we are." Brianna said, then they kissed. Barf. Our food came, and Jessica can eat. She ate all three plates she ordered, plus she drank two cups of water. I looked at her with widened eyes.

"Hungry." She smirked. I nodded. Finally we all left and went home. Jessica and Justin stayed a while, we watched Love Actually, and they all left. It was just me and Brianna sitting on the couch. Her and Justin kept running through my mind, until the point I couldn't take it anymore.

"I love you Brianna." I blurted out. She looked at me with widened eyes.

"What?" She whispered.

"I love you." I admitted. My heart beating out of my chest. She began to tear, and shake her head.

"No. No you don't." She said standing up. I stood up too. I nodded.

"Yes, yes I do." She backed away from me.

"Stop Harry... you love Jessica." She cried. "Is this some sick joke?"

"I love you. And I didn't know how to tell you, so I am just winging it right now." I admitted. She backed into the wall and I stood in front of her. I ran my thumb over her hairline, then her jaw line to her chin. Then I pulled her face close to mine. Then I planted my lips on hers. She kissed me back. Her hands went to my waist lightly, and I put my other hand on hers. Our lips moved together in sync, and it felt right.

"What is going on!?!" Jessica yelled, we pulled away. I looked like a deer in headlights and Brianna covered her lips and ran out the dorm. Jessica watched her run out then her eyes shot to me.

"What was that!?!" Jessica yelled.

"Jessica..." I begged.

"No! Save it! I knew it! I knew you fucked her!" She said fisting my shirt.

"We weren't having sex..." I said, I don't know what we were doing.

"No but you would. I knew it I knew it I knew it!" She yelled. "You don't love me! You never did!"

"Tell me you love me." Jessica cried, her blue eyes looking in my eyes. I stayed quiet. "Tell me."

She cried, and cried and cried.

"So what happens now huh?" She asked. "What?"

"Jessica, I've been trying to tell you this..." I said, I could barely breathe. "I can't do this anymore.."

Her hands shook as she waited for me to finish. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. Then I opened them.

"I love Brianna. I really do. And I always did." I admitted. She stayed quiet and shook her head.

"No." She said backing away and shaking her head. She cried and slid down the wall, then she put her knees to her chest.

"You. You used me." She said.

"Jessica, don't think like that..." I said trying to make it better. I went up to her and tried to pick her up.

"No!" She shooed me away.

"You can't leave me." She said standing up.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm pregnant Harry!" She yelled. Woah.

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