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Nani's POV

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" My roommate Danielle asked.
"No thanks, I have a big test to study for." I replied.
"Fine, but next time you're coming with me and you're going to hook up with someone." She winked and walked out of my room.

I fell back onto my bed and huffed. Her words of hooking up with someone reminded me of what happened a year ago before I left Cali. I never forgot his name, voice, face, touch, lips and groans. Now studying abroad in Korea, I've changed I was no longer the girl I was a year ago. I was now more laid back and focused on my school work.

Although it was hard to do that, with a roommate who loves to party, get drunk and have sex. Danielle is Korean and she's from Canada, she's like drop dead gorgeous. She was 2 years older then me so she saw me as her little sister and she was my big sister. Me being a regular black girl from California there's nothing interesting going on with me, other than school.

I told Danielle I had a test to study for but I took that last week. I just didn't feel like being dragged out of my nice comfortable lair. I grabbed my laptop off the charger and logged into Netflix, after logging in I walked to the kitchen to get my small tub of Chocolate Frozen Yogurt and a spoon. This is how my usual Friday nights go when Danielle is gone.

"Lets get this party started!" I said out loud and skipped to my room.

Forty five minutes into this Korean drama that literally had me drowning in my on tears my phone began to ring. Picking it up I saw Danielle's caller Id on the screen with a picture of her licking my cheek. I roll my eyes and sigh, please don't say you're in jail or in trouble.

"Hello?" I answered

"Yah! Nanniiii Can you do me a favor?" She slurred through the phone

"Depends on what it is." I responded

"Can you accompany me in a threesome?"

This girl has officially lost every possible sense in her body.

"Um, What the hell Danielle? Where are you, I'm coming to get you." I said

"NO NO NO NO NO! I'm fine where I am, silly head! So are you interested in doing it?" She asked again.

"Hell no! Danielle get your ass home now!" I barked through the phone

I then heard a deep voice speaking Korean and she squealed and said something back.

"Gotta go Nannniii! Annyeong!" And with that she ended the call leaving me there speechless and worried as hell.

Nine times out of ten she's not going to remember this, but I will gladly refresh her memory tomorrow. Reasons such as this one is why I stopped partying, especially in Korea because they love to drink more than Americans in my opinion.

I had a hard time falling asleep because I was worried about Danielle and it was now 3:47 am. I have a class at 10:00 am and I haven't gotten any sleep, I'm going to suffer thanks to her. I sometimes question who's the mature one in these situations.

Getting up was the pure struggle this morning, I woke up at 9:30 and was 15 minutes late to class. To make things worse Danielle STILL wasn't home and I wasn't able to eat breakfast so my stomach is deciding to be a whale today.

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