Chapter eighteen

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*one year later from the incident*

It's been about a year now, after visiting Harry I never went back...Niall told me the healthiest and best thing to do would be to move on and to forget him. So I did. My parents and I never talked about what happened or why it happened. We all just acted like it didn't exist. Niall never brought it up as well. It was best to just drop everything about it and live my life how I should normally be living it. I've also moved back to Arizona with my parents.

Everything was perfect, I graduated high school with 'utmost high scores' they told me. I am now in college studying to be a meteorologist. I know it's farfetched and kinda a difficult thing to go for but I'm happy doing what I'm doing. I've been interested in the stars and cosmos since I was 4.

Niall and I have been going on a few steady dates, I've grown strong feelings for him and we go to college together so we're thinking about dating. My parents are so proud of my achievements and are happy for me, for everything. Life's great.

Tonight Niall and I are going to a party that our friend from college is throwing by the lake. It's a beautiful chilly night. Niall drove up my driveway to pick me up. "Hello gorgeous" he gave me his traditional cheesy grin. I blushed and got in on the passenger side. When we drove up to Hailey's people were already dancing and talking with their friends with a bottle of beer in their hands.

"Let me get you a drink sweetheart" Niall cooed out to me, I wanted to find my friends Hunter and Casey and congrats them on their one year anniversary (no they're not married, well not yet at least). I saw Casey smiling and laughing at something Hunter was saying as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. I squealed in excitement, they're so cute together.

I didn't want to interrupt on their conversation so I went to find Niall. He was walking my way with two beers in his hand, I said thanks as he handed me one. *six drinks later*

I could barely talk without slurring my words like an idiot. Niall was the designated driver, I could barely walk without falling. Niall picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. We drove away as the ragging party and loud music got quieter behind us.

*next morning*

I woke up slowly and my head immediately throbbed. Niall laid beside me on the floor as I was on the couch. What a gentleman I smiled to myself. I got up to get some tylenol and a glass of water. As I took the medicine there was a loud knock at the door. I didn't want it to wake up Niall so I ran and peeped through the window, I didn't see anyone standing there so I cautiously opened the door. I stopped breathing for what seemed like minutes as the brown curly haired boy, I longed to forget, stood in from of me.

He smiled at me and spoke. "Hi love" he said and I fell to the ground screaming for Niall as I cried.

A/N: hello all you lovely people of earth. I guess i kinda disappeared for a while haha im so sorry about that, I don't actually have an excuse as to why I haven't uploaded in a while I kinda just forgot wattpad existed...oops.
But I'm backkk and sorry if there's grammar errors i started writing this on the way up to the ski slops. Im on spring break and i get to snowboard so, happy about that. Also do any of you think i should end the story here? Hope you have a wonderful day :)

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