Chapter sixteen

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I can't see where I'm going, tears blur my vision and I cant see my surroundings. I don't what to do, I can't breathe and all I do is walk. I walk and walk and walk, till my feet hurt and my legs burn.

At that point my tears are just salty stains and I find a bench to sit on. Why am I out here, where am I? I'm lost, and then I see the familiar building, the last place I want to end up at. It's Harry's mental hospital. I felt infuriated. I just need to go home, but my feet had other plans. They picked me up off the bench and carried me across the street. through the doors.

Why, out of all places would my feet carry me here? I never wanted to come here again. I can't face Harry, not now not ever. Instead my mind had other plans. I walked up to the desk to ask for permission to see Harry. Her smile looked like it was forced, plastic and fake. She opened the metal gate and gave me the room number, his room was on the second floor. My heart was thumping and my stomach turned, I don't want to see him yet here I am, walking to his room facing his door.

Through the door i heard nothing but silence. It scared me a bit, then a nurse came to unlock the door for me. I walked in and the first thing i hear him say is "please, no more shots, no more pills!" That single sentence tore my heart in two.

His body was in a ball up against the corner of the room, his long arms hugged his knees. His hair was a knotted mess and his eyes were a dark circle of skin. How can the nurses walk in here and look at him and not be broken by what they see?

That's when I snapped. I sunk to the floor across from him and cried. Cried harder than ever before. My eyes were staining my shirt and jeans with wet, salty tears. I sobbed and sat there waiting for Harry to comfort me, but he never did.

He just sat there, hiding in the shadow of the bookshelf. It felt like someone stuck a dagger through my chest, this is the moment i needed him most but he couldn't be there. I don't know what to do anymore and it hurts, bad. I don't know if I love him or not, in the state he's in now's not the time to discuss it. So I stood up and walked out the way I came.

I hide my eyes from the other visitors in the room downstairs. I knew my makeup had run and my eyes were red and puffy. I didn't know what to do anymore, visiting him is useless and my parents were right.

A/N: Sorry its a short chapter im typing this in school atm. I hope you like it still...And thank you so much for 2k reads it means a lot to me :)

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