Confused Feelings...

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When I got home, all I did was march up to my room and dump myself on my bed. The minute my head hit the fluffy pillow, I was out like a light bulb.


"Hey! Wake the fuck up!" Boomed a deep voice.

"Let me freaking sleep," I didn't know who was trying to wake me up but I swear on my laptop that they better go away or someone will end up in the hospital.

"Fine, but you will be late for school," he replied. I swear, whoever this is, he sounded as if he was smirking or at least enjoying my reaction. I jumped up and my eyes snapped open to reveal a smirking Asher. I didn't even blink an eye when I shoved him outside my room and got dressed. When I checked the time on the clock, I found out that I had 2 hours before I had to wake up.

"ASHER!!!!!" I screamed and ran out to see him running away laughing. I ran out after him and soon enough I had him pinned on the floor after tackling him. "What the hell! Why did you wake me up so freaking early!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Well, I got bored so I thought of doing a little harmless prank," he gave me a lopsided smile before shoving me off with a grunt and heading for his room. I cannot believe that he got me before I could get him. I don't exactly remember what happened last night but what I do remember is that I vowed that I would prank him. Not the other way around.

Well... one thing for sure is, I am going to even the score and then take the lead.



I know that she is storming with prank ideas right now. I almost regret my little prank but it was totally worth seeing her reaction. No problem though, she won't get me anyway, I'm too good for her.


I started to feel awkward during all my classes because I saw her looking at me and whenever I caught her looking, she gave me an evil smirk as if she already had something planned out. I've known her long enough to know that she most likely does have a plan in that pretty little head. Something in my gut told me not to go home after school today but if I don't go home she might just more irritated and worsen whatever she had planned.

"Hey Blake," I called over one of my former pranking partners.

"What's up man! We haven't pranked in so long hope your not goin' all soft," he joked.

"Never man. But I got myself in some shit with April."

"Ooooh man. I've heard that in her other schools no one would dare cross her. Her pranks were legendary and most of the time she wouldn't get in trouble. You know what would happen if she was in with us?  We would leave a mark in prank history as the world class prankers and crap," he went on and on. Ok, he just sounds like, well not him. He never even thinks about adding someone to our team. It's always been me and him.

"Well, I'm kind of in a middle of a 'war' with her after this morning's prank and I need you and myself to keep the score even."

"Oh hell nah! But wait, I could learn something from her... hehehe. I'm in!"

"Great man. Be ready to sneak around her house after school and be careful of traps." After that, I pretty much ditched the rest of the school day and just slept in my car. I can't wait for this game to start. 

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