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We snuck into the house through the back door and looked around just in case she was there with some creeper smile and a knife. Haha, I could totally see that but I would probably piss my pants. Imagine being chased around a big house with a creepy, hot girl holding a butcher knife. I don't know whether to be afraid or be cocky that she's chasing me.

"Be quiet. Look for her and when you find her, come and find me," I instructed Blake who stood behind me.

"Please, Ash. I'm a pro. Trust me," Blake silently creeped off towards upstairs while I army crawled into the game room. I listened for any sound that could possibly indicate that 'she' was coming even though I'm pretty sure that she was asleep.

I decided to look in different places just in case she fell asleep in another room by accident. It happens sometimes.

I quietly crawled out of the game room knowing that she wasn't there and headed upstairs where Blake was supposed to be. I looked into the first room I see and it turned out just to be another guest room. Just in case though, I looked around for her or her painfully good tricks.

Just because I sleep in this house doesn't mean that I know every room here. All I know of is the living room, game room, my guest room, and the kitchen.

I tried to find Blake but so far, I saw no sign of him. I mean, I'm not that worried because he's really good at these kinds of things. But just in case, I whispered into the hopefully empty hallway for him.

"Blake! Blake!" I whisper-shouted. I looked around cautiously and became suspicious. I'm starting to think that April suddenly woke up and caught him but then again, I know that Blake never gets caught whenever he's on prank mode. But then again, I don't know much about April.

I started to creep off to her room and was met with silence outside her door. I really do wonder where Blake is. I mean, he should have met me here by now. I doubt that he can get lost in this house. You could throw him in the middle of the desert and, hell, he would still find his way back home.

I decided to wait for about five minutes but Blake still didn't show up. That was when I heard a noise coming from the room two doors down from April's room.

Me being me, I walked like a dumb-ass towards the noise. I wondered if Blake really did get caught by her. But then again, she's supposed to be asleep.

I opened the door to be met with darkness. I looked for a light switch but for some reason I  can't find it after my weird way of wall rape. Shrugging, I walked in even with no light. I had to make sure that I didn't bump into anything that would make any noises.

I walked for about one more minute until I heard a noise. I knew it was near enough that I could probably reach out and touch it. I immediately froze wondering what the hell the noise was. I turned around only to see nothing. Then, I heard the same clanking noise in the near distance from where I stood.

Ok, I am seriously weirded out right now and just slightly regretting this plan. Maybe I should have rechecked what April was going to be up to and made sure she was doing it. Thinking about it now, I should have sent somebody to distract her or something.

Just then, I heard light foot steps that slowly made their way to where I stood. On instinct, I turned and bolted for the door. But just as I neared the door, it shut close and I heard a clicking sound that meant it locked. I couldn't unlock it since it was too dark.

"What are you doing here?" said a dark and deep voice that sounded neither like Blake or April.

"Who the hell are you?" I shouted. To tell the truth, my stupid imagination is thinking that some criminal got into the house and has Blake and April tied up somewhere.

"Where's Blake and April?" I questioned the mystery voice.

"Why the hell do you want to know?"

"Be-because..." I stuttered.

But then, the lights switched on revealing...

Please read a story that I have posted and am currently working on. It's called BEAST.

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