The Plan

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I woke up to my mom screaming at me to get up. I forced myself to walk to the bathroom and take a shower. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" I yelled to my parents. I ran to the front door and opened it to see Asher and his mother standing there.

"Uhm... Can I speak to your father or mother, April?" Mrs. Hales asked.

"My dad's at a business trip for three months but I'll get my mom." I invited them in with curiosity. After that, I asked mom to come down.

I walked into the living room with my mom behind me and sat down on the couch opposite of Asher and his mom.

Mrs. Hales straightened up and asked, "Can Asher stay with you for the next two months? His father and I need to go on a business trip and we can't take him with us."

I totally almost blacked out when my mother agreed to it really quickly. I cannot freaking believe that Asher Hales will be staying at my house for the next two months. My very own rival will be staying with me. Fuck no!

I saw Asher stiffen and know that he's probably thinking the thought as I was like 2 seconds ago. But then again, it would be easier to pull the pranks on him for the next 2 months. I looked at him with a smirk on my face and see his curious glances. Hmm... this will be interesting for me since I know this place like the back of my hand.


*2 hours later*

No way! Is Asher Hales really going to live with you for the next 2 months?!" my friends  that I just met today yelled. There's Xander, Cole, Nicole, Gabby, Sarah, Dalton, and Dalton's twin brother Christian. Lovely group we got here.

"Sadly my friends. Sadly. But I will need you guys," I announced happily.

"Whatever it is we are in!" they simultaneously said.

I pretended to have that evil smirk and rubbed my hands for extra effect. Today was filled of me explaining my plans on pranking Asher to them while he was staying at my house. I'm starting to think that him staying at my house isn't as bad as I thought it was. I can't actually wait until it's just me and him in the house so my parents won't to be there to stop my wonderful prank plans.

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