• Chapter Two •

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"Morning to you too Megan." I said rolling my eyes.
"Whatever, if I see your still in bed by the time I come back... Oooooh lets just not discuss that." She said clapping her hands and heading out.
"You could've at least closed the door!" I said getting up.
I closed the door and started heading to my closet to see what I could find.
I put on my red flannel and my black ripped jeans with my black combat boots. I brushed my hair really quick and I grabbed my black beanie and my black book bag that says fuck off.
I went downstairs to see Megan's mom putting the bacon and pancakes on the plate.
"Morning Miss Johnson." I said with a smile.
"It's Avery to you Victoria." She said with a small smile.
"It's Tori to you." I said with a smile.
"Mom! Is Victoria downstairs cause if she's not I swear-- good your ready, now let's go." Megan said.
"Wait I didn't eat my breakfast." I said trying to grab the bacon off the plate.
"Wake up early next time." She said
I rolled my eyes.
"Bye mom!!"
"Bye Miss- I mean Avery!"
"Bye girls." I heard her say laughing.
I got in the passenger seat and turned on the radio.
"I love your outfit today. It screams 'I need a new closet.' " she said laughing.
"Ha ha funny." I said rolling my eyes.
"I look decent right?" She said parking the car.
"I mean I guess. Wait why do you suddenly care?" I said looking at her like she grew 100 heads.
"Look." She said pointing at two guys walking inside the school.
" So all of a sudden 2 new boys that we've never seen in our lives come to our school, and you wanna know how you look?" I said looking at her like she just grew another pair of 100 heads.
"Their sexy as hell!!! What do you expect I mean cmon now, you had to think they were at least cute."
"I mean I guess can we get moving now before we get late to class." I said trying to change the subject.
"This conversation is not over." She said pointing at me.
I laughed at how ridiculous she can be.
"If you have any of them in your classes you better tell me so I can switch my classes to yours." She said semi whispering.
"God please help me." I said looking up at the ceiling.
"Damn right God better help you... And your closet. Did you get dressed in the dark. Second thought don't answer that." Stacey said causing her little minions to laugh along.
"I don't think we were talking to you." Megan said tilting her head.
"But you see... I was, and I was talking to Victoria not you, so take your little annoying self somewhere else." Stacey said but this time people were surrounding us.
"Let's just go Megan." I said pulling her arm.
"Im not done talking to you." Stacey said grabbing my arm tightly causing her fake acrylic nails to sink in my skin.
"I am, so go do us a favor and leave us alone." I said pulling my arm away from her.
"I'm gonna loose my shit on her." Megan said.
"Just ignore her. Don't give her the satisfaction to see you like this." I said going to my locker.
"Your right," she says inhaling the air to calm down.
"Well I'll see you later Tori." Megan said walking to her locker.
I grabbed my binder and headed to English.
Megan in the picture above^

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