• Chapter Three •

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"Okay class so let's take out our math textbooks and turn to page 545. Do all the even number problems."
It's 4th period, one more period left till lunch. I got this.
Into 15 minutes of doing math problems someone came late in class.
"Your 20 minutes late in my class, do you have a note or pass?"
"Nope." Was all he said. He... A husky he. I shook my head out of that thought and continued solving the problems. I  didn't bother looking up cause I was to into the math problem. After what felt like 10 centuries I finished the even numbered problems.
I started to doodle on my notebook when the class bell rang. Everyone was running to the door like a pack of wild animals when someone knocked my binder to the ground causing all my papers to fall out.
"You. Stay after for a second." I looked up at the teacher and I looked behind me to see one of the boys Megan drooled for.
I was still grabbing my notebook while he just stepped on top of it leaving he foot print there.
"Seriously?" I said looking up at him.
He rolled his eyes at me and scoffed at me.
I grabbed all my papers and headed out.
"I get your new here but you need to start coming to class on time....." Was all I heard after I left the class.
I went to my locker and put my binder away and when I closed it I found Megan their smiling like an idiot.
"What happened? Did you have one of them in your class." I said
"Mhmm" she said love struck.
"Okay now would you like to elaborate?" I said laughing.
"Oh yeah sorry. So I had English right, and than someone came in late and I looked at who it was and it was one of the boys I called sexy earlier. And their was an empty seat next to me and guess what!!??" She said jumping up and down.
"Oh my god what???" I said over -exaggerating my words.
"He sat next to me!! We're so gonna get married" She said smiling.
"Woah, Woah, Woah. Calm down there. You just met the guy, you probably don't even know his name." I said laughing a little too hard.
"Eli. That's his name. I saw it when he was writing his name on his paper." She said proudly.
"Well enough about me, what about you, did you meet Eli or the other one?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Now that you mentioned it... Yeah I did. But I don't know his name and don't want too. He's a douche." Was all I said while I crossed my arms.
"Ooooh fill me in."
20 minutes later
"Woah.. I would of done the same exact thing. But on his face." Megan said popping a fry in her mouth.
"Ew!" She said.
"What?" I said looking a bit taken back.
"That." She said nodding her head towards the vending machine.
There he was. The kid who stepped on my notebook, sucking Stacey's face off.
I saw Stacey enter her tongue into his. "Okay now that's my cue to vomit." Megan said.
"Agreed." I said.
"I don't like him. Like how can someone be new to this school and make out with the school slut... LESS THAN 24 HOURSSS." She said shaking her head.
"Well that makes two of us. Hey! At least you have a chance with Eli." I said trying to change the subject.
"HAD a chance. He's touching Courtney's ass. While Courtney has her hands under the table doing god knows what... Ugh fuckboys." She said rolling her eyes.
"And sluts." I said.
"Know what? Cheers to us having respect for ourselves." Megan said grabbing her Mountain Dew drink up.
I grabbed my Coca-Cola bottle and brung it towards hers.
"Cheers." I said smiling at how dumb we can be.
"Hey do you mind me sitting here?" A girl I've never seen before..
"Are you a whore?" Megan asked.
"Megan." I said glaring her to shut up.
"Hahaha no I'm not. I have a test to prove it." She said having her hands up in the air.
"Hm... Did you bring it?" I asked raising a eyebrow.
"Um well it's actually at my new home hanging in the walls." She said.
"I'm just kidding." I said laughing.
"Well I'm not." Megan said.
Me and the girl laughed at Megan's remark.
"Well you can sit here." I said taking a big bite of my cheeseburger.
"Okay thanks, oh and my names Alexis." She said with a small smile.
"I'm Megan and that one eating the cheeseburger like it's gonna walk away, is Victoria." I put the peace sign and glared at Megan.
"Not my fault this cheeseburger is actually good." I said glaring at Megan.
"So what brings you to California?" I said drinking soda.
"Well my dad got his job promoted here so he had no choice but to move his children with him." Alexis said.
"Children? There's more of you?" Megan asked.
"Yeah I have a twin brother and my cousin decided to tag along." She said laughing.
"Oh whose your brother? Maybe he can eat with us." I said grabbing a fry.
"Adam. He's well... Sucking some girls face off near the vending machine. God he's such a pig." Alexis said rolling her eyes.
Me and Megan exchanged looks and Megan raised an eyebrow.
"If yours brothers name Adam, is your cousins name Eli?" Megan asked.
"Yeahh. I take it, you met him already." She said.
"Yep." Megan said.
"And I take it you also met Adam...?" She said unsure.
"Yup." I said popping a fry in my mouth.
"Not to be rude or anything but he's a douchebag..." I said drinking my soda.
"Same goes for Eli." Megan added.
"Look you BOTH know nothing about my family so try getting to know them before jumping to conclusions." Alexis said grabbing her books and leaving me and Megan with confusion.
"What just happened?" Megan said.
"I don't even know" I said honestly.
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*sorry for any misspelled words*

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