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Jae's pov

Sehun told me a lot about his ex-girlfriend before. How he really thought that he loved her at that time when they're in middle school and how they break up because she found a cooler oppa. And also how Sehun couldn't take the rejection well. Yada Yada Yada.

Maybe I'm just feeling insecure with all this thing. I mean, I've never had a boyfriend before and Sehun is just so popular with everyone...

"Hey Jae! I heard Sehun's performing with his ex-girlfriend! Shouldn't you be jealous?" Xiumin blabbered as he and Chen came to me.

"Ya!" Chen scolded, like this was suppose to be a secret from me.

"Arra." I smiled half heartedly and walked to my class alone. Ofcourse I knew. It's like a girl's intuition101.

It's not much of a big deal but he could have been more truthful to me that having to deny it. I mean, trust is one of the 'qualities' everybody needs in a relationship.

I greeted my classmates along the way and sat at my place at the back of the class. I laid my head on the table while facing right and closed my eyes. I have been thinking of a new song for me to play. Maybe I could ask Haneul if he wants to perform with me.

I felt someone pulling my eyelashes. There's only one idiot who would do that to me.

With eyes still closed, I asked him," Haneul, do you want to perform with me for this college thingy?"

"Aren't you performing with him?"

"He's performing with someone else..." I slowly opened my eyes to see Haneul looking back at me.

"Sure! I've been waiting for this moment for you to ask me. Anyways it's still early, let's go to the snack shop!" He said as he placed his bag on the table beside me and drag me out from my seat.

Aish I can't believe I left my wallet in the classroom. I really wanted the chocolate bar. I waited for Haneul to get whatever he want and we sat under the tree, which is near the cafeteria.

He passed me the chocolate bar that I was eyeing on at the snack shop. I smiled at him, as a sign of thank you.

I plugged in the earpiece and called Kayla and gave the right bud to Haneul so that he can listen too.

After a few rings Kayla picked up.

'Kay! Wanna hang out with us after school?'

'Sorry, I got council duties...'

'Do you really like your council duties over us? This is our last year man' Haneul spoke to her.

'Hi Haneul! I'm sorry! I'll be very busy these few days due to the planning. Take good care of Jae for me please. Make sure she eats lunch! And don't forget to bring extra pad for her, her period is around the corner!'

'I can remember for myself.' I defended myself. This is just embarrassing.

'Alright I will keep a pad in my bag just for our dear Jae' he added which earned a slap on his hand from me.

'Bye bye see you guys around! And hang up'

Haneul ended the call and we quickly finish our snacks and went back to class. We took the shortcut through the canteen and saw Exo. Everyone except Sehun.

"Hi guys!" I waved at them as we passed by each other.

"Do you need me to help you ask them to bring a pad for you too?" Haneul whispered to me.


"Ah, Jae Bae actually need you guys to-" I quickly covered his mouth before he finishes his sentence.

"I'll see you guys around. Bye!" I saw the guys giving confused looks at us. "And stop calling me Jae Bae." I half shouted to Haneul.

Chen's pov

Huh? What was Haneul about to say? I saw the rest are displaying confused looks too.

But it's alright, I'll just ask him in Maths class. As Jae and Haneul left, Sehun came running towards us, sweaty.

"Jae just left" Baekhyun told him.

"Yeah, with Haneul" D.O added.

"Oh, I didn't see them on my way here..." He replied

"Looks like she's been spending more time with her guy bestfriend than her boyfriend." Xiumin chimed in and all of us chuckled.

Sehun didn't reply, instead he just took a seat next to Luhan and just stared into his phone.

Luhan, Chanyeol, Sehun and I are in the same class. When we entered, we saw Haneul keep on mirroring whatever Jae does. She couldn't take it and almost wanted hit Haneul but Haneul was quick enough to grab hold of her hand and smiled at her instead. Haneul then let go sensing that we have returned since a few girls are fangirling about us.

"Hey..." I saw Sehun greeted Jae.

"Hi..." She greeted back awkwardly.

I couldn't take the awkwardness so I playfully hugged Jae.

"Just thought that you needed it." I whispered to her.

"Yeah thanks a lot Jongdae" she whispered back to me.

"That's enough" both Sehun and Chanyeol said simultaneously.

"Sorry, I'll back off haha! Just wanted to see who's jealous." I said the last sentence in a low voice for the two to hear only and went back to my seat.

And bam, school is boring as usual.

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