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Jae's pov

I dread Monday. Something sad always had to happen over the weekends. Weekends are literally a bad omen.

I came slightly before lunch which I told mum and she got it all settled since she had called the school that I may be late or I won't be able to attend for a few days. I really have to say thank my mom for actively donating to school in which I get such leeway.

I went to my locker and opened it. A piece of note fell out.

'He never liked you.'

Rude. And also a sign to skip school.


"I knew you'd be here." Oh my, I fixed my hair in a rush so that I'll look presentable at least. Is it to early to move on? Because my heart is beating fast at the sight of Chanyeol.

"Hi..." come on is that all you have to say Jae? Stop staring at him and start thinking on how to continue the conversation.

I thought a lot that night and it was the very last tear that I'll ever shed for Sehun. It's time to get over and leave the past and hold close to whoever I have right now. We FaceTimed after Kris called me that made me realised so much - that I have to let go. It was probably more awkward for Channie as he's in the same team as Sehun. Also Channie said words that made sense and even made me cry again.

But that crackhead also made jokes and recited textbook poems till dawn. At that time I really feel for his efforts. Still - I thought it was too early to be falling for him.


And the same crackhead also persuaded me to attend class. Last period passed by fast and now it's time to go home. Haneul had detention as usual. Kay's busy with her duties. Channie has some photoshoot for a magazine. I went to the back of the school hall to use the piano. I hope the pain is no longer there.

I placed my fingers on the piano keys and began to play a slow song. Well, I didn't feel any pain. So I started to play and upbeat song. The pain was bearable but after playing it without resting, it became excruciating.

"What do I do if I can't play the piano anymore..."

I somehow managed to reach home. I skipped dinner that night since I have no appetite. So I just did my homework diligently and skyped Haneul and Kay.

We talked a lot and managed to avoid any topics about that night and about Exo. I am glad about I anyways and we talked about our upcoming birthdays and about K-ARTS open house.


"Hi. I was just wondering that, you know, we could talk." He talked to me. The voice I dread hearing. The one I wanted to avoid the most.

"Back of the school." He said as I carried my bag.

I followed him from behind, leaving a huge gap between us. Once we reached the back of the school, he went silent. He called me out but didn't even say anything. What...

"Let's end it." I blurted out before he could speak. Remember what Channie said Jae, be the mature one.

"I'm not here to talk about that. I heard what you said yesterday. I happened to be near the back of the hall." Sehun said carefully.

"And I, heard that you've had a change of heart or well, never had feelings for me in the first place." I couldn't stop myself from saying. I wanted to hurt him like how he hurt me.

I turned away from him and quickly jog away. I am never going to shed anymore tears.

"Have you got your wrist checked?" He tried to change the topic and tried to reach out to my injured wrist.

"What's it got to do with you?" I said and took a few steps back, not letting him touch me.

Is it possible if I transfer to another school now? But what can that even do. We'll still meet at K-ARTS somehow. I'll still have to face him or even interact IF our department have to work together.

Ugh overthinking is taking too much energy and its so unnecessary.


Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. Ctrl + Alt + AVOID

He attempted to talk to me again. It's already the fifth time. Please, leave me alone. Like what am I suppose to do for you to leave me alone. He's so persistent.

"Stop avoiding me."

"Stop talking to me" Why is he talking to me again...

"Look about that, I am really sorry."

"What's your sorry going to do? Will it make me feel better? Or will it make you feel less guiltier?"

"No, I still and truly feel guilty about it so I-"

"Stop talking to her." Haneul to the rescue!

Haneul dragged me by my shoulder. Away from Sehun, away from problems and away from unpleasant memories.

We've been in the music room rehearsing. Haneul left awhile ago to buy snacks from the shop.

"It never helps, trying to erase you from my memories.

From the past that we both shared.

From the love you had pretend.

I'd do anything to forget what we both had." I sang. The lyrics just came to my mind.

Haneul finally came back from the snack shop.

"Let's go home now."

"Why so early..."

"I'm tired." I whined.

I checked my Instagram account to see if the mysterious person posted any photos of himself. Well. None. Well his following is only me... Could he be a perverted old man?

I scroll through my feed. Artists and well their pleasant life, well mum and dad at some places, Haneul and his annoying posts and......

Title: Promise

I don't know when it started, the you who smiled is not you anymore                   
If your heart can no longer give me that kind of love
I will still remember those memories      
So blurry that I think it's a pity                      Everything will be alright, everything will pass                                                                 Consolation can no longer console my heart    Because I know one day you will leave        Please don't leave, I want to hold your hand 

Sehun posted that. Wait it couldn't be for me right...

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