Journal #1

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Journal Entry #1

Dear journal,
Mom said that writing to you and expressing my feelings to you would make me happier.

I don't believe that for a second. But because I want mom to believe I'm getting better I will write to you about my day and such.

I should start off by saying the only reason why I was forced to get a journal, or diary, was because I tried to kill myself. So mom thought that writing about my feelings would make me more social or happy or something....

That's really all, so for now this is goodbye till tomorrow.

Closing the black leather journal you stare at it. Honestly you didn't think that writing in the journal would help you.

Shaking your head you pick up the slick book and hide it inside your closet under some things at the bottom.

You know your mother too well, she'd definitely come into your room either while you slept or whilst you weren't here. She snoops into other peoples business far too much for her own good.  That's how she gets hurt, finding out things she didn't need to know.

Shutting the closet door you sweep your (hair length) (hair color) hair behind your ear slightly.

Moving away from your closet you go to your bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. 

Dark bags hung under your (eye color) eyes making them look dull. Your looked paler than usual, mostly because you haven't eaten much in the span of a week.

Walking away from the mirror you fall on to your bed. Closing your eyes you catch a glimpse at your bedside table, 5:46 pm. Almost time for dinner.

Not like you'd actually take part in eating or even going down to the dinning room to socialize.

You couldn't face your family. Not that you wanted to anyways, That was fine though because your father and brother didn't want to see you either.  So in the end it worked out.

Your mom was the only one who even bothered to remember you at all since the incident. You hadn't noticed, but when you opened your eyes again to look at the clock it said 3:12 am.

Groaning you get up off your bed and go to slip on your shoes.

You needed some fresh air, it was rather stuffy in your room.

Pulling your (color) hoodie off the back of your desk chair you slip it on and leave your room, quietly pulling the door shut.

Walking down the stairs you notice the dinning room light is still on. Standing still you wait for someone to make a noise. That's when you hear the muffled sobbing.

It was your mother no doubt. 'She probably had another fight with dad again.' You thought as you continued your way out the front door and to the woods that surrounded a large portion of your house.

Your p.o.v

I help my breath as I walked past my parents open bedroom window and walked as carefully and quietly as I possibly could. If my mother was in the kitchen that means that he's in their listening for me.

He knows me too well at this point. Well not really but, he knows I sneak out at night and not return till morning, hell sometimes I just go to school and when I get home act like I got up really early and decided to go to school.

Not that I really need to lie, I'm sure everyone knows I leave at night a majority of the time.

Looking back at my house from the safety of the forest I frown. To be completely honest with myself I would just pack my things and live out here, but I know that if I leave, my mother would most likely go into a depression.

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