Journal #2

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Dear journal,
      I don't know what to say. Well to be honest I do, but I don't know what to start with.
        That's a lie. I listen journal, I know it's only been a day but, yesterday I went into the forest as per usual. I went to the normal hang out spot too, not that I've ever written about it yet. Anyways I sat there barely even 15 had passed and something moved in the forest.
       I mean I first thought it was an animal, but it wasn't. It also wasn't a person, but a humanoid 'thing'. Though I know it's not nice to refer to people as things I can't even place what a saw to even one mythical creature. So thing will have to do.
            Should I go back? I know the answer should be no, don't go back, but I want to know what it was. I want to know what it has to say. The thing left me a note, "see you soon (Y/N)." I know it's creepy that this thing knows my name but I'm just too curious to not go.
                        Till next time.

I sigh. I'm scared. This thing that I've never even seen before knows my name. And I don't even know what it is!

And I can't exactly tell anyone about this or if be sent to an asylum as soon as I said I saw a paper white faceless giant in the woods. Probably even before I finished that sentence!

Or I'd be completely written off as some druggie that got too high in the woods. I mean I'm clean, but they'd probably use any excuse to write me off.

So this whole thing is to be kept between me and the journal that I will now be taking everywhere with me. Because now I can't exactly risk my mom finding this and telling dad.

Then I'll really be sent to an asylum.

Or hit, which ever comes first.

I close my eyes and lean back in my desk chair. What am I to do?

I know I have to go back and see if I can talk to this thing, but what if it's a trap?

What if this thing just wants to kill me or use me to do the dirty work or something like that!?

Getting up I place the journal in my bag and slip on the (color) messenger bag. It has various buttons and things attached to it. I run my index finger along the biggest button.

It's not really important, just a plain purple button with no pattern on it. Reminds me of the simpler times ya' know.

Shaking my head I stop thinking about silly things and leave my room.

Walking down the stairs I smell breakfast.

My stomach growls. Not eating dinner last night was a terrible thing.

Waking into the kitchen I see dad sat at the table reading a newspaper. He looks at me glaring.

I look away making my face look indifferent while I grab an apple and make my way out of the kitchen towards the front door.

I wanted to see if this thing would show up earlier if I went to the spot.

"(Y/N), why'd you sneak out last night?" My fathers deep scruffy voice caught my attention as I was about to twist the handle.

"My room was stuffy and opening the window didn't help so I went outside for a late night walk." It wasn't a complete lie now was it?

He grumbled. And I heard the newspaper being straightened out and the turning of the page.

Assuming I was in the clear I twist the knob and walk out letting the door swing behind me and slam shut.

I didn't care if it made a loud noise that 'disturbed' him. That fucker can go read his newspaper some place else.

Walking away from the yard I walk to the back of the house and to the front line of the forest. I pause. It felt scarier walking into the forest now that I knew someone else was in it. Like really, this thing could be around every corner I turn and behind me at every moment.

And I'd never know until it was too late.

Shivering and dismissing the creepy vibes I walk along the same memorized path that would take me to the boulder.

Normal people would usually not go barging into the forest looking for a faceless creature that they had seen the night before, but I was not most people. So of course I'm now walking down a creepy path with a lot more twigs then I originally thought there were. And apparently the wildlife is very abundant during this time of day. They seem to not miss a single twig when they pass by.

I huff. I was gradually getting more pissed then more animals came by and spooked me.

I know I shouldn't get angry before I potentially meet this thing that could ultimately kill me in the end, but I couldn't help it.

By the time I reached the clearing I was shaking and was livid at the wildlife that kept hoping around me all the time. Those fuckers had never done that before so why now?

Fucking wildlife knowing that now isn't the time for that shit.

I grumbled and crossed my arms cowing my eyes. I waited for what seemed like forever with my eyes closed.

Opening my eyes I groan at the sight before me.

A dark dimly moon lit forest with a drool spot on the Boulder from where my face was.

Sighing I stretch. That really wasn't a comfortable spot to fall asleep. That wasn't a good sleep in general though considering I thought I was awake the whole time. But apparently not.

Scratching my head I hop off the boulder. I was way too tired to stay any longer.


I twist my head around and then frantically look around to see if anyone is there. Suddenly a large deer hops out. I let out the most shrillest sheik I'd ever let out before. Placing my hand on my chest feeling my rapid heart beat I turn around and take a step foreword only to smash in to someone I close my eyes that were mid blink.

I couldn't possibly deal with this thing at night. If I did I know I wouldn't be able to sleep for days, weeks, months, even years!  I know this thing might not want to kill me considering it hasn't already but if like to deal with this in the daytime. You know when things aren't so terrifying.

"Open your eyes."

I do as I'm told. Ever so slowly I open my eyes and look up the towering creature before me. It's even taller the. I thought. This thing has to be at least 7 foot. In this time I thought I'd be completely shaken and freaked out, but I'm surprisingly still.

My mouth opens and closes, I'm positive I look like a fish out of water. I can't think of anything to say. What do I say?

"Who are you?" I barely recognized that I had talked. It was barely above a whisper and I wasn't positive that he could hear me.


His, I'm assuming his, voice rang through my ears for a third time today. It was wonderful. But now was no time to be thinking about his voice.

This things name is Slenderman. Odd name but I guess you can't help what people call you.

I look at him, there's not much to take in on his appearance considering the lack of it. But I have to say his suit is rather nice. Random, I know but it was something I had to point out.

I can't think of anything else to blurt out so I just stand there silent and continuously starring at him.

Suddenly the loud blaring static noise blares through my head again. Colors begin to flash before me as he gets blurrier and farther away.

And then I black out.

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