No journal #7

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My eyes refused to open as I regained my consciousness. So I didn't force them I simply laid on what seemed to be the floor and stayed still and listened for anyone that might be near.

I could hear the faint hum of some computer and possibly the sound of someone pacing around me. Their footsteps were obviously quick since I assumed they were pacing. But they were light and you could barely hear them. That is only their footsteps because I could now defiantly hear them muttering things to themselves. Nothing I could quite pick up on but I could still tell they were talking to themselves and they seemed very worried about something.

And the only thought I could come up with of why they were worried was because of me. To be honest they probably thought I was dead because I don't move in my sleep(sorry if you do) and my chest barely rises enough for someone to tell. But then again, I still don't know who this is and have no clue if they really are worried about me being dead or if they have another completely unrelated topic to be worried about.

And even though I should assume that this is the person who most likely drugged me and kidnapped me I should hope it really isn't them.  Because the only person who could have drugged me was Masky and hoodie. Or perhaps Slenderman considering he got me my drink last night. Those are the only three people who could've drugged me. So I'm hoping, begging, that the surge of sleepiness I got was just an actual random surge of tiredness and not the effect of some drug that one of them, or all of them slipped into my food or drink. And for once in my life I hope that this is some strange man or woman who'd just kidnapped me and really not Masky or hoodie.

Though I can't say these sound like Slenderman's footsteps his sound really light. Like you'd really have to be listening to even barely notice the sound and second of all this dude was mumbling to himself. Slender doesn't have much of a mouth to mumble with. So saying slender was in the room pacing right now was almost 100% a no.

But my eyes still refused to open so seeing who the culprit was to my kidnap was going to have to wait. But it was so cold here that I really didn't want to remain unnoticed for much longer or I felt as though I'd certainly freeze to death. I'm surprised I hadn't started shaking from the cold, but than again I am still scared of who this is even if it is Masky or hoodie or even Toby I still don't want to blow my cover and this person cause, what I feel, even more harm to me. I don't want to be hit or screamed at or really even interrogated I just want to go home to my family.

.....for once home doesn't seem that bad anymore. For once in what feels like a lifetime I'd rather deal with my father and brother's shitty attitude. I'd rather listen to mother and father fight and yell. I'd rather go through any other hell other than this! But no, my life can't be normal. I can't be left alone. OF COURSE SOME CRAZY FANTSY CREATURE WOULD FALL IN LOVE WITH ME AND KIDNAP ME BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT!

I finally realize the mistake of asking for a fairytale ending, for wishing for some thing as exciting as what happens in books to happen to me, because I finally realize that not all fairytales have happy princess endings!

Hate ring up my courage I snap my eyes open to see some strange man pacing the floor and in some miracle I gather what strength I had and kicked his feet under him and watched him fall down.

I immediately noticed I wasn't tied up so I pushed my aching body up and kicked the man before he could get up again. I quickly made my way to the door he was pacing I front of as I heard him groan in pain. Turning the handle I thanked whatever gods were watching over me that it wasn't locked even if it could be unlocked I didn't want to waste my time.

I stepped into an eerily dim hallway that definitely wasn't slender's mansion. Quickly making making my way down the hallway I finally notice I wasn't wearing much. They striped me of my shirt and pants as well as my socks. I cursed but didn't dare turn back in fear of that man chasing me. I passed a window and looked outside.

It was dark and I certainly had no idea where I was. Shaking my head to clear my doubts I pried the dusty window open and crawled out. I turned around to close the window but as I was about to reach for it I heard the man from inside shout for me. Asking me where I was. Deciding against closing it I ran into the forest trying desperately to ignore the pain of thorns scrapping my sides and stepping on those horrid little spikey plants. I could feel the tears on my face from the pain but I still ran from that house in one direction. I was bound to end up somewhere as long as I ran in one direction. But to be honest I could barely tell were the trees were in front of me. I knew that I was going to be cut up and bleeding by the time I got to any help.

Suddenly I hear I horrible screech and I almost freeze. Almost. Adrenaline kept me going as I pushed myself to run even faster away from whatever made that noise.

I don't know how long I ran before I stumbled down a sudden drop off in the forest. It was short distance to the ground but enough to knock what air I had out of me and cause some minor harm to my shoulder. I let out a silent scream as I laid on the leafy ground in pain. Tears were most defiantly streaming down my face as I pushed myself up again. I tried to walk away but I heard a sickenly familiar voice.

"Where are you going my love?" His deep voice sounded through my head in an eerie way.

"AWAY FROM YOU!" I was going to lie. I really was, But my mouth and voice didn't say what I was going to say.

I desperately tried to hobble away as I held my shoulder. My tears were blurring my vision to the point where I could barely see anything other than the darkness.

"You're very funny (y/n). I didn't know you told jokes." He was fucking teasing me. I could hear it he was making fun of my feeble attempts to escape.

"Why would I joke with a monster like you? Joking is for friends and loved ones only." I spat as I tried to quicken my pace. Not like it mattered he would always catch me. No matter how fast I ran. How clever I was. He would always find me. I would always have his marking on me to tell him where I was.

He appeared in front of me making me fall backwards on to my butt.

"Now (y/n) that's not very nice now is it. You have to be punished for saying such mean things to your lover."

My body was wracking in sobs at this point. I knew what he was going to do. "I didn't know monsters could joke."

He let out a dark chuckle and grabbed me with his tendril. He brought me close to his face.

I almost threw up from the intense pressure in my head and the sudden loud static noise that blared through my skull.

I passed out.

I woke up again in my dark dream world.

The chains on all the doors were off. All of them open all the way.

I curled in on myself and cried as I heard footsteps from all around me and laughter.

The crazed laughter of the people that I mistakenly thought where my friends.

I felt them touch me.

And all I could do was cry. That's all I could ever do....even in my dreams I couldn't escape my hell.

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