Journal #7 -18

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Dear journal,
How long has it been since he locked me in the basement again? How long ago did someone chunk this at me with a few pencils? How long have been suffering in the dark? Dear journal, will I ever leave this time?

I closed my journal and tossed the pencil beside it before hugging my knees to my face and crying. I can't remember what day it is anymore. I can't even remember how long I'd been in the house before this anyways. So I guess it doesn't matter if I asked now. My head was throbbing along with my shoulder. It's probably broken. But it doesn't matter to him or anyone. They'll just let it heal in this broken position.

Dear journal,
            I think it's been around a month since I've been in this basement. It's so dark in here I think I'm starting to lose my eyesight. But I can't be for sure since I can't see much. I can barely make out the words I'm writing. Journal, my arm hurts really bad I don't know how much longer I can take this distracting ache. Please help me.

Dear journal,
         I asked the next person who came In here to help my shoulder. He said he'd ask slender. I hope he'll fix it. Because at this point I'm desperate for relief.

Dear journal,   He didn't fix it. He didn't fix it. He d--n't fi-  -t. He broke it even more. It hurts. It h---s. It -----.

I cry onto the pages of my journal as I shake. Every movement hurts shoulder now as it hangs limply to the side of me. I can't take it anymore. Please let me die.

Dear journal, no one came today to feed me. I'm so hungry. But I'll wait for tomorrow. I'll wait like a good girl. I swear. I just want food.

Dear journal, they haven't given me food in over 5 days. They just give me water. But it's not enough. Journal there's only three food sources in the basement. I don't want to eat any of them. But I'm so hungry. Journal promise you won't judge me.

Dear journal I haven't written in two days because of what I did. I killed a rat and ate it. I couldn't cook it. I'm probably going to get sick. Journal I'm so scared.

Dear journal I didn't write you until now because I got sick. I puked everywhere. At least that's what it felt like. They didn't clean it. Though they haven't even washed my clothes or let me bathe either so I didn't expect much.
Journal it hurts. But it doesn't. Hurts.  Doesnt. Hurts. Doesnt. HURTS. DOESNT. HURTS.


DeAr JoURnAl My
                                                Are gONE.

I've rocked myself back and forth a dozen times. I had to keep a steady rhythm. Back, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, forward.

I can't remember my name anymore. Who am I? Where am I? What do I look like? I know I had a name but I haven't heard it in so long I forgot.

"I wish I could draw again. I miss writing too. But my hands shake so much and I can't see anymore. Funny huh?"   Who was I talking too? I don't think anyone's here anymore.

Yesterday a lot of sounds came from upstairs. I heard screaming. But I wonder whose? I don't know anyone do I? I don't think so. I don't know me so I guess I don't know anyone.

"I heard more screaming today. I joined in. Do you think they heard me? No? Well I'll try again tomorrow okay. Don't worry we'll leave one day."

I screamed so loud I almost flinched when I heard footsteps come toward me. Who is it? I haven't seen anyone in such a long time. I heard something break. I heard a man scream for me. Well I guess me. He asked if anyone was down here. "Yes."
My voice shook. I'm really scared now.

It's been two days since I've been rescued. I can see things. Not very good but I can make out things.  This man known as a police man asked me who my 'parents' were. I told him I don't know. He asked me my name and a lot of other questions. But I only said I don't know. Because I can't remember anything.

My sight got better the day my 'parents' came and got me. I don't know who they are but they seemed so worried. Wait. Is worried the word? I think so. But I haven't been good at thinking in a while.
Two years later...

I grumble as I make my way into my room upstairs. Mom got me some stupid pink diary to write in. I throw the book on my desk and go to flop on my bed, but I sigh and turn around. Pulling out the chair I open the diary and grab a pencil and begin writing.

Dear journal,
Mom said that writing to you and expressing my feelings to you would make me happier.

I don't believe that for a second. But because I want mom to believe I'm getting better I will write to you about my day and such.

I should start off by saying the only reason why I was forced to get a journal, or diary, was because I tried to kill myself. Or that's what my dad said. So mom thought that writing about my feelings would make me more social or happy or something.
I actually hope something interesting happens. Something supernatural. Maybe I'll meet a monster as tall as the trees. But that's just crazy talk.

That's really all, so for now this is goodbye till tomorrow.

Sighing I close the diary and close my eyes. I fall into a brief half awake sleep. I would've fallen asleep completely except it was so cold in my room. So even though I didn't want to I got up and looked at my window. It was open just a bit, enough to let in the cold winter air. Sighing I closed it and turned to walk to my bed except my foot kicked something under my bed.

Curious I grabbed what I thought I kicked. It was a slick journal. Almost looked exactly like the one mom gave me. Except not pink. And had an odd symbol cut into the cover. Curiosity won me over as I opened the little journal and started reading the pages.

My head started spinning as I instantly recognized my hand writing. It was scary. I couldn't have wrote all this could I? I hear the window crack open again, how it closes downwards and I thought I locked it?

I hear I small thud and the window slams quietly shut again.  Turning around I look at a black book with a yellow notebook page stuck to the front of it.

To busy wondering what was going on I ignored the note and opened the journal. My hand writing. Almost identical stories. I heard a tear and saw the yellow paper flutter to the ground.

I bent down and picked up the paper and turned it over.

I almost screamed when I read the note.

"See you soon, (y/n)."

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