No journal #6

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The truth hurts. It truly does. This truth hurts me the most, because I trusted the people who destroyed me.

I trusted and liked Slenderman. But the memories that flashed before my closed eyes told me that I shouldn't have. He lied. I lied to myself.

I was friends with Zalgo. I became close to him due to the environment of my home. And Slenderman stole me away from him.

He locked me away and never let me out. He threw me in the basement and made me forget Zalgo. He made me forget everyone. And I developed feelings for him because of it. I fell in love with the only person I could see. The only person I'd ever remembered seeing aside from the people who'd occasionally hang out with me and who I was allowed to hang out with.

But apparently I was saved by Zalgo. And brought back home with the wounds left by slender forever on my skin.

And that was around the time I started realizing my surrounding again and me forgetting about everything that had happened before.

I opened my eyes to see slender and his proxies moving me back to the Mansion. I didn't struggle against them. I didn't try to fight them. I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep. I couldn't let them know I remembered the horrible truth. But more than anything I was too tired to struggle or run.

~time skip to two hours later. ~

I woke up in my room. Turning my head I come face to face with Slenderman. Jumping back he holds my back forcing me to not move.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded slowly trying my hardest not to struggle away from him.

I'm sure if he knew I found out, I'd be put into that small basement again.

He seemed to 'look' me over to see if I was lying. But thankfully seemed satisfied and nodded and made his way towards the room.

"Dinner is in two hours." And then he walked out shutting the door quietly.

I let a shaky sigh escape my lips. I didn't want dinner and I certainly didn't want to stay here anymore.

Quickly hoping up I went to the closet and started rummaging inside, turning over loose carpeting  and checking everywhere. I needed to see if there were anymore hidden messages.

I was startled out of my search though by my door slamming open and in quick reflex I grab a shirt and put on a relived face. 

"I found it!" Turning to look at the person who entered my room suddenly.

It was Masky. "Oh hello Masky."

He waved. "What seems to be the problem?" He looks over at my closet and back at me.

"There was lots of noise I thought something bad was happening." I giggled and waved him off as a thin layer sweat collected on my forehead.

"Sorry I just remembered this shirt and really wanted to find it. Sorry for making so much noise!" He seemed skeptical and shook his head.

"Try not to be like Toby, it really doesn't suit you." He let out an annoyed puff of air and walked out making a point to close the door loudly enough to not actually slam it.

Letting out my breath again at a normal pace I dropped the shirt and continued looking but in a slower more calm manner.

Eventually around an hour later I found a note scratched into the underside of the closet that read 12am.

What could happen at twelve am?

What about it? Should I leave at twelve am or should I stay awake till then or what!

Letting out an exasperated sigh I shrug and decide I should leave at twelve one day. Not today maybe not even this week but eventually I will leave.

But I have a strong feeling that slender knows that something bad did happen. That I did meet someone. But I'm just hoping he doesn't find out it was Zalgo or at the very least not find out that I remembered him or my true past.

Shrugging it off I check the clock. It was almost time for dinner.

Letting out a sigh I walk to the door and walk out and pull the door closed lightly and began walking down the stairs to the living room.

Jeff and Ben were seated on the couch next to each other lazily sprawled on the couch. Walking past them to sit in a recliner the nodded at me and Ben gave a lazy smile. I smiled at them and nodded my head as well as giving a small wave.

Turning to the T.V I see they were just channel surfing. Looking towards the kitchen I see the proxies, well Masky and Hoodie that is, bustling around the kitchen and setting plates as well as keeping an eye on the stove.

Taking a deep breath I smell lots of spice and meat. I can also hear bubbling and chopping from the kitchen and I smiled a small smile. Must be stew. 

I got chills though the longer I sat there silent and mulling over what to do.

12a.m is going to be important. But how should interpret it? Is that message telling me to leave at twelve or should I be ready to leave then or what!?

It's very vague, hell I can barely call that a message!

Another thing is that I have to pretend I just didn't remember the worst thing ever. But I know I have to give him some truth or else he'll hurt me or lock me in the basement until I forget again! And though I can't truly remember remember what happened or what it felt like.  But my body is telling me to run at just the thought of being locked down there again.

Sighing I lean back in the chair and watch them channel surf until I hear Masky and hoodie call for everyone.

Quickly standing up I move to the kitchen and take a seat close to Slenderman's and wait for everyone else to be seated before making a plate of food.

Dinner mostly consisted of trying to balance between eating and talking.

"So (y/n), did you remember anything today?"

His voice echoes through my head but it seemed Masky and hoodie as well as Toby heard.

I shook my head sighing.

"No I just got a really bad headache and passed out I guess."

"You guess?" Masky sounded confused.

"Well yeah I guess, I don't really remember much beside leaning against a tree and my head started pounding before it was a brief moment of black. Then I woke up briefly to see you guys."

He nodded and hoodie patted my back comfortingly. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Hoodie." He chuckled and continued eating.

I took that as a queue to start eating again before I thought of a topic to talk about.

"You guys cook really well by the way."

Masky and hoodie said thanks simultaneously and then started the jinx thing. I laughed at continued eating.

Soon dinner ended and I excused myself after cleaning off a few peoples dishes. Making my way up to my room I was hit with intense drowsiness.

I just made it to my bed before I collapsed and couldn't move as I laid face down on my bed.

And even though I was now dreadfully tired I knew when red flags were showing and this was a definite red flag.

I heard my door open and I quickly closed my eyes to appear being asleep.

Whoever just opened my door shut it and started to pick my up and threw me over their shoulder. Opening my eyes I just caught a glimpse of the clock. And it's bright red digital numbers read 12:00 a.m. That's all I saw before my eyes could no longer stay open and I gave in to the sleep as I gently bounced on the persons shoulder.

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