The Begining

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         "Hey" Montie yelled " we've been waiting for you to finally get here." She was sitting there with Daniel, Sarah, Chantal, and Niya, we were still waiting for Amoya and Prisca to show up. So I went over to with them while we waited for our two friends.As I was walking toward Daniel, Sarah, and Montie I heard the growing conversation of Star Wars IX. "I knew Rey's father was going to be--" Niya said "Hey Asshat". "Sup Fartface" was my response "so what have we decided to talk about while we wait for the two late girls." " Well" Chantal started " we were talking about the latest Star Wars before you showed up". Since Chantal and Niya were diehard fans of Star Wars I decided to let them take over the conversation.
While they were talking I took out my phone, just as I did I got a text notification. It was from Jaheem of course, my boyfriend wanting to know how my friends were and where we were going. "Don't go lookin at some of the other guys. K?" He was always paranoid about me looking at other guys. "WWithould look any better than you? Besides Channing Tatum." Almost immediately came the reply "So if Channing Tatum is there and asks you out would you accept it, or would you stay with me?" I practically laughed at that xOf course I would stay with you, you are the only man for me. Dumbass ;). TTYL... Love you babe!" With that I put my phone in my pocket and got up to get a water from one of the vendors.
I had ordered my water and was on my way back when suddenly from across the mall came a blood curdling scream. At that I ran to my friends and we all went to investigate what made the woman scream. Daniel and I were in front protecting our friends and his girlfriend. We reached the woman and found that a man was on his knees beside her. Another man walked over to him and rested a hand on his shoulder, what the kneeling man did next was the most terrifying thing that I had ever seen, the kneeling man turned on a dime and was at the man's throat drinking the blood from the man's squirting jugular.
When the "man" brought his head up, Daniel immediately kicked his head, severing it from the joints. The head went flying over the edge and down into the food court where we heard another scream. At first we thought it was because of the severed head landing in someone's lap, but we soon found out that it was caused by the fact that there were about 10 other people like the "man". All of them huddled over the bodies of the workers that tried to flee from the massacre.
After looking at the scene that had just unfolded Chantal, Niya, and Sarah were over at the trash can throwing up. After that we were arguing over where we would go until this all blew over, as we were doing so the "dead" man started to get up. Montie was the first to see him, she grabbed the nearest chair and broke it over the man's head. After the hit the man slouched down before falling to his knees, absolutely dead. Montie wanted to make sure so she decided to jam a part of the broke chair into the man's head. We heard the broken chair leg make contact with the brain, the body then made no sounds.

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