The Offices

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    "Ready?" I said just loud enough to be heard by the men. "Ready!" came the response of the men. We were all terrified and their voices wavered before going back to calm. I was paired with Livenston... great. I'm paired with the man I embarrassed in front of his own men. I have my pipe and knife, Livenston has his knife and handgun, no matter how much I tried to persuade him to not use it he still did it. He has two extra magazines on him just in case.

    The door opens and we hear the squelch of pipe hitting flesh or of metal slicing through tendon. We're the third door down, after about a minute the first door closes and my heart jumps in my chest. The men next to them start making noise and attract the next wave, I risk a look into the hallway and see about two Roamers trip over their friends bodies. There are about seven bodies on the floor and that surprises me with how easy it was for the men to kill the Roamers. Then again they are trained killers. The Roamers in the hallway get up and move to the door where an arm extends with a knife and jams it into the first ones eye. It goes limp, as the second comes up and gets a different knife in its eye.

    I pull my head back in, and just sit there against the wall trying to calm my breath. I sit there for what seems like hours, but in actuality is only around forty seconds and then the next door closes and I know what me and Livenston have to do. We get up and start yelling and banging on the wall, a Roamer trips again but this time the body land closer than before and I'm wondering why when a knife is jammed through its eye and it falls to the ground... dead for real this time. Livenston looks at me and just nods and then there are what seems like fifty more pouring through the hallway. We take them out with what seems like ease to Livenston but it labor some for my body and soon its all I can take just to raise my arm and stab. We fight them off for about forty seconds and then we close the door, which jams because of a head that's sitting in the middle of the doorway. I kick it out of the way and we break some Roamer arms in closing the door. But we get closed... then the next men are calling out. I just sit against the door worried if my plan will work without getting any of us killed, I see Livenston checking himself for bites, but I'm too sore to, so I lazily check and lean against the wall. 

    Its another two minutes before we hear the soldiers yell to us, we didn't even go all the way down the line. There was one pair after the office that finished it all. When we exit the office we find that we lost no one and that my plan had worked. One man nearly got bit and was more than lucky that the Roamer missed his uniform. The medic on the team still checked him out. "Well... Your very lucky. A few more inches and you'd be dead... well after Livenston would put a bullet in you'r skull." The medic then proceeds to check the rest of us out and finds that none of us are bite so we decide to leave. We walk through the mass of dead Roamers in the hallway and out into the shipyard. We see that our noise inside the offices didn't cause too many Roamers to come our way. Only about four near the building started to waddle over. That's what it looks like, their just waddling like penguins, ugly, rotting, and disgusting penguins.

    As were walking toward one of the cranes we start to see that the shipyard is mostly empty. I'm guessing since there were no ships were coming to dock then there weren't that many people here. It's creepily quiet and I can't believe the place that was thriving with action and ships, trucks, and the metallic scrap of the cranes booming is quiet and only the thump of boots on asphalt is all you can hear. "The crane is only a little bit ahead" I said, "We have to climb some stairs and not that many people can fit inside the room." Livenston replied with "Well, that's okay. We can go up and get an assessment of the damage and then head back to the school.  Jackson, Liam, Lexie" the mechanic ", and I will go up and see over the city to see." We walked the however many stories it was to get up there, it felt like a hundred, and looked out the window. There wasn't any of the black smoke pillars rising from buildings or from the street, but there were about three giant holes in the city. "Fuck" I heard Livenston say, "What?" I asked. There was a moment of conflict on Livenston's face as he decided to tell me. "They dropped nukes, that was one of the last transmissions from McHenry before they went dark. I didn't think they would actually do it, there were still people in the city and they could have gotten out if we gave them some time." He looked sad and whatever battles he had been in showed what they had done to him, as he aged ten years in the blink of an eye, and then back to his calm, cool self.

    We went back down, the hundred story staircase to the ground where the team was sitting and waiting. "Status?" one of the soldiers asked. "Three nukes were dropped and most likely radiated the son-of-a-bitches in the city." LIvenston said matter-of-factly and with a sense of pride. "Um... It may have radiated them and made them even deadlier killing machines, killing someone even before they got close to the target. The radiation levels in the city will stay how they are for a while." I said. "Well, since everything else you have said has proven to be true... I'm gonna trust you on this." Livenston said. "Why! He's a civilian and doesn't know anything of what he's talking about, he hasn't had any training from the military!" one of the soldiers said. "Yet you perfectly followed the order I gave back in the offices, so what's your explanation for following a civilian's orders then. Hm?" I replied. "I didn't want to die and you were the only one with a sensible plan..! That's why!" he replied. "Okay, I can understand that.  But why do you think the other men aren't yelling at their captain right now? It's because they know this isn't just about them. They know this is about the other people that might not be irradiated in that city or in the world, the survivors. So, if you wouldn't mind shutting the ugly excuse you call a face and listening to your captain, who could easily kick your ass I may add." Livenston smiles at that and steps in front of the soldier. "Fine..." the soldier replied.

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