The Virus

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    When we entered we all could tell that the military had taken control of the school before the Roamers. We were extremely happy about this and the fact we could find our missing friends. The soldiers made us put our weapons on the main desk, and follow them to Ms Wages upper classroom. Most of the desks were kept in her closet, only about 10 were actually sitting out for us to sit in. We sat down at the order of the Sergeant James Livenston, he seemed a little to young to be a Sergeant about maybe 24, he wasn't much older than us. We started talking about who we were, how we came to the place, and where we were when it all started. Then we started talking about the virus itself and what he knew, seemed like he liked Sarah and that's why he was willing to talk to us about it.

"It begins in the where the infected was bit or where the virus entered the body, it then begins shutting down major organs. This is when the virus takes full effect, when the host either dies or succumbs to the virus there is total organ failure, but after a few hours the brain reactivates. We have no clue why or how it does this but we know it does it. This reactivation process takes anywhere from 2 hours to 48 hours." said Livenston, "Have any of you tried to make contact with loved ones? If so where are they, we know they tried setting up military bases, but some failed because of the Roamers."

I had lost interest after he finished talking about the virus, he seemed all too keen on telling us what this was. Then I noticed, he was looking at Sarah most of the time, she hadn't noticed. He turned his head towards us and noticed that I was looking their direction and he realized that I knew he liked her.

After the debriefing we ate, we didn't even realize how hungry we were until we ate something. All they really had were MREs and some plant seeds, the 5 of us just spent most of the time talking, Livenston decided to come and join us. He barely knew what we were talking about, but pretended to anyway. We were talking about Star Wars, The Walking Dead, now surprisingly ironic considering our circumstances, and Video Games. Chantal and Niya were talking about Star Wars, again, Montie and I were talking about Video Games, and Sarah and James were talking about The Walking Dead.

    It all seemed so calm... well that is until about 5 solders came rushing in to tell their Superior Officer something that may interest him. "Sir we just got word from Fort McHenry... it's been overrun, most of the people there are either dead or dying." said one. Another said "Baltimore has been overrun too, their is no where you can go there now-", "Yeah there is, you obviously haven't been to Baltimore before" I interjected " My Dad worked with the cranes down at the port, you can see most of the city, as long as the skyline isn't blocking you, he would take photos all the time from up there..." We all sat in quiet for a few seconds until James said "See if we can get one of the Jeeps out back running." he turned to face me " Do you remember how to get there from here, and do you know how to get in?" He asked, to which I replied "Yeah, but my Dad only took me there once before he died..." James seemed quite sad "We all have lost people these past few days, but you can always have hope." He gave a forced smile to try and cheer me up "No, he died before all this, he was operating a crane, most windows had bars over them but he was in one of the older ones... well he hit another crate with the one he was holding and the seatbelt broke and he went flying threw the window and down about 20 stories to the concrete." Montie came over and put her hand on my shoulder "It's ok." "Sure it is Montie. Sure it is."

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