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    We decided it'd be best if we started to explore what was in the shipyard. A ship must have just unloaded before everything happened and they left. For the first time I wondering what's gonna happen to the people on cruises or merchant vessels, the people on Navy ships are perfectly fine cause they can handle themselves and they have guns. Cruises don't have enough food to survive out there in the ocean for long, they'd need to restock when they got to whatever port they were going to. I can't think about it for much longer because we see another set of crates, I would have just walked right past them not thinking about them at all. That's nearly what I do, but Livenston's voice makes me stop. "What's inside these crates Lynch? They look dented... from the inside." "A lot of these boxes have heavy stuff in them, like farming equipment or cars. A ship hits a wave the right way and then it gets dented."  I reply confused by what he's getting at "What think there's some mutant zombie in there... be real. So far we've only seen slow ones, some that can actually walk, but no super zombies. They never used to transport animals but maybe they started for the Zoo... dunno." I say. Now, we all wonder what made those dents and whether it could easily kill us or not. Livenston motions for one of the men to open the crate and they get a set of bolt cutters and cut the chain off and open the doors. What's inside doesn't scare me, it's just a bunch of dented up cars that got dented in transport. I hear a sigh of relief come from behind me and realize that Livenston was worrying about it, he did think it was gonna be something inside this crate that could kill us easily. 

    We continue walking and I don't ask any of the questions that are swirling in my mind. Why was he so worried? Is there something like somewhere, a super zombie? What would have happened if there was, would we have died or made it by running? I decide not to ask any question, for fear of finding out the answers. 

    There was a set of boxes, they were from a company named DORMA. "I know the company, my stepmom had worked for them, they were a glass company and they were part... German I think. That must be where this is from." I say. "Okay, well we should start going back if we want to make it back before sundown." Livenston says. We start the walk back and decide not to talk, the silence is nice. The waves of the water hitting the concrete platforms, this would be a good place of refuge if we got it protected. The school would be good for farming with the big open areas, but we'd have to build a fence or wall around the school. It takes us about a hour to get back to the transport. We all pile in and are driving off when something catches my eye as were leaving. An actual dead body, but this one looks normal. I ask Livenston if we can stop and I tell him about the body, he agrees and we walk over to investigate it. Its not gray like a Roamer, but the dudes face is still intact, so that rules out shooting himself. We look him over, all the way, I see a little horizontal cut at the base of what I can guess is his skull. "Severed the brain stem, but I don't see any bites, why would they kill him if he didn't have a bite?" Livenston said. It didn't make sense, but what did lately. Plus there were always killings, even before this so that doesn't make it too weird, and they didn't want the person to come back so they just killed them all the way.

    Livenston tells the men what we found and tells them to be on the look out for anyone that might be alive. They all nod in acknowledgement, then their heads begin this little swinging motion that allows them to see everything around them. I sit in the passenger seat since I can't do the head swingy thing. The navigator tells us how to get out of the city and then how to get to the highway to get back home. It kinda surprised me that the bridges were left standing, I thought that they would be the first things to get destroyed. We make it back to the school before sundown and that makes Livenston happy. We don't know if it makes them more or less active or if they mutate or if another species comes out to play. But he doesn't want to test it. We park the transports and then lure a few Roamers away and then silence the rest. We enter the school where the medics that were left behind check everyone for bites. They don't find any, but we still tell them about what nearly happened with Anderson. Since I've been checked i go upstairs to the living quarters and take a lovely rest.

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