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Usually the rank for new-born pups can be determined right after they had been laboured.

Although it's not the final but bigger pups usually an Alpha or maybe Beta and Omega pups will be the smallest one.

So when the Beta of the pack run all the way to their Alpha Leader house announcing that his mate is safe with their two babies, the news are celebrated with full of joy because first the Alpha Leader himself is waiting the day for his mate to go to her due, and second it's the first born in his small new pack.

Alpha Leader and his pregnant mate made a beeline toward the Beta's house. The others open a way and bow with respect when Alpha Leader enters the room and see the two cute pups are laying peacefully below their mother.

Still in her wolf form the mother nod respectfully to the Alpha Leader, while his mate move to help the exhausted wolf into the more comfortable position.

"This one is big." Alpha Leader made a soft remarks pointing to the left pup.

"Yeah, I'm sure he at least a Beta while his brother is an Omega" the new-father replied.

"I have a gut he's an Alpha, he looks so strong already."

The other declined with chuckles "How can we produce an Alpha."

"It's not impossible really, their rank is not in our control." Alpha leader's mate say while helping the pups finding their mother for feeding.

"Congratulations buddy. Named them already?"

"The bigger one will be Mingyu and the smaller one will Wonwoo" he said with proud.

Months passed and the two pups are loved by all the pack members especially the Alpha Leader's mate.

She gently pat her swollen belly when little Mingyu still in his wolf form came and nudged it sofly with his nose.

"Can't wait to see your brother, Mingyu?" She cooed when little Mingyu leaned to her stomach.

"If he/she inside is not an Alpha, would you promise me to take care of them,Mingyu? You're going to be a good Alpha." She patted the pup in his head lovingly.




The day has come and all the pack members are eager enough when the news that Alpha Leader's mate is ready to labour spread through the valley.

It's took a longer time than previous labour so when the Beta's mate walked out from the den and motion for the Alpha Leader to go inside, he knew something was wrong.

His beautiful mate lay on the floor unconsciously while there are three pups in the blankets. One of them is moving while the other two are not.

"She fainted after giving labour to the second and we have to bring out the last one, the last pup already dead when we bring it out, while the first one stop breathing just a while ago. I'm sorry Alpha"

The mentioned Alpha nods his head once and walks toward his mate. He gives a peck toward the exhausted wolf and lift up the only survivor that night.

"Jihoon, daddy will make sure you will safe forever. Nobody could hurt you as long as I'm alive" he let a long mourning howl for his other two dead pups and the other continue howling after the Alpha leader.

Little Mingyu and Wonwoo also didn't miss the howling.

"A boy?" the Beta asks the Alpha Leader after a while.

"Yup, but he's so small. I don't know how he can survive even" the Alpha Leader replied.

The Beta lifts Mingyu and Wonwoo because the two keep nudging their father to lift them. They wanna take a look at newborn too. So their father did.

Alpha leader smiles when little Mingyu sniff the smaller pup and give an experimental lick.

"Mingyu, help me take care of Jihoon okay? Wonwoo too." The two pups howl eagerly

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