chap 3

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Knock knock

Mingyu walks toward the door and opens it. Jihoon is standing there with a wrapped wildflowers in his hands.

"Hey Jihoon.." Mingyu lights up when see his favourite flowers in the Alpha's hand.

"Hi Mingyu, where is Wonwoo?" Jihoon walks passed Mingyu and a loud 'jihooooooonnnnn' is heard. Mingyu closes the door and takes a deep breath to sooth his disappointed face.

"You must be Soonyoung, right? Jihoon." Mingyu sees Jihoon and Wonwoo's mate have a friendly hand shake before change his attention toward the wildflowers that now in Wonwoo's hands.

"Soonyoung, nice to meet you Jihoon. Come, Mrs Kim already prepared the feast" the blonde gestures the other to join them in the kitchen.

"What I said about calling me mom, Soonyoung?" Soonyoung grins bashfully at the older remarks.

"Mingyu, let's eat" Wonwoo calls his brother that stoned up at the living room.


Mingyu sits beside Jihoon while Wonwoo sits beside his mate.

Soonyoung jokes about how Wonwoo always talk in his sleep and at first he thought the other was talking to him, so they had a full conversation that night, turned out Wonwoo didnt remember anything from the conversation and receive a big laugh from the household.

Jihoon laughs occasionally because Soonyoung is really good and easy to be mingled with. It's not like Jihoon didn't realize there's one person who awkwardly laugh when the other laugh but decides to not say anything about it.

Wonwoo and his mate will sleep there tonight and go back to Soonyoung's pack the next morning. Jihoon thanks Mrs Kim for the awesome feast and Mingyu accompany Jihoon until the front door.

"Bye Jihoon." Mingyu says coldly, already hold the doorknob to close the door.

Jihoon smirks at his cute omega. Without word he pulls the taller down and gives a peck on the other cheek.

"Good night, Mingyu." Jihoon says and walk out from the house.

Mingyu is left dumbfounded on the front door until Wonwoo comes and pokes his rib.

"Yah.. Jihoon asked me to give this to you." Wonwoo passes him the wildflowers and doesn't forget to tease the other's deep blushes.

"Why are you guys so slow seriously, just go and mate already." Wonwoo can't help but gives a remark that makes Mingyu blushes harder.

Soonyoung comes and hugs his mate from behind before gives his mate a light peck on lips. "It's not that easy to just go and mate, honey. The Alpha need to think a lot- ouch whats that for?" The alpha whines when his mate pokes not so softly right on his ribcage.

"I don't think you thought that much before courting me.." wonwoo pouts and Soonyoung can't help but kiss the pout away.

"You really had no idea, my love."

Mingyu groans annoyingly at the romantic scene in front of him. Just because they mated already doesnt mean that they can shove their kissing process in front of Mingyu.

It's wonwoo's turn to be in the deep blush and soonyoung playfully lift the other and bid goodnight to Mingyu.

Mingyu holds on the wildflowers tightly with one hand. Another hand is on his cheek, right at place where Jihoon kissed him. Soonyoung's words are played in replay in his mind.

"What are you thinking actually, Jihoon?" Mingyu sighs defeatly and drags his heavy feet to his bedroom.

He decides he'll not gonna wash his face tonight. He falls asleep with the flowers beside him.

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