chap 2

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A few years had passed and Jihoon is still small in his human form and its make him frustrated. Moreover his so-called-mate is almost a feet taller than him and godly handsome also, while he still looks like a kid with his round face and fair complexion.

He always be mistaken as an omega on the top of that. He ruffles his silver hair when he is reminded with a certain accident.


There was a neighbour pack came to visit their village one day. Jihoon had to go out after being lectured by his mom about 'how Jihoon should start learning how to take care of the pack and the other pack need to know their upcoming Alpha bla bla bla' so Jihoon brushed his hair carelessly and made sure he was presentable enough before walking out from the house.

The amount of people outside is double from usual. Jihoon could easily distinguish his pack members and another. He saw Wonwoo is talking animatedly with a blonde guy, definitely from the other pack.

An Alpha, Jihoon thought. Good for Wonwoo then.

He walked carelessly around the village, bowed back when his member pack gave a respect bow to him until he arrived at the valley stream.

Jihoon loves that place. It's his favourite place with Mingyu. Talking about the other, Jihoon didn't see the taller along his path before.

"Hi there, an omega shouldn't be alone in place like this." a hand was curled smoothly around Jihoon's neck and made the smaller jumping in shock.

"The fuck- "

"Omg you're so cuteee, and language cutie.." the newcomer wiggled his eyebrows toward Jihoon when the smaller turn his head while letting a loud scoffs.

"Are you stupid or what-"

"Shhh.. I'm Seungcheol, an Alpha from the neighbour pack. God the rumor didnt lie when they said this pack have a bunch of beautiful omegas." The Seungcheol guy still in his flirty smile and Jihoon couldn't help but blow up.


Seungcheol's jaw hang low for a few minutes before he got back into his original posture.

"Uh- well I'm sorry.. Don't you think that you're too small for an Alpha?" Jihoon's ears were both red and he nearly shifts into his wolf form at the moment before Mingyu's voice joined in.

"Jihoonie.. your scent..who's this?" Mingyu looks at Seungcheol that automatically back to his flirty side.

"You're tall but I'm sure you're an omega right? Your scent is sweet. Sweeter than his lol " seungcheol can't help but laugh at himself while motion the 'his' at Jihoon.

Both Mingyu and Jihoon gapped at the weird Alpha.

"So tell me your name cutie.." Seungcheol said while wiggling his eyebrows again and his hand make a motion to grab Mingyu's hand.

"Touch him and I'll kill you." Jihoon growled for the nth time that day.

Mingyu's body moved automatically like in the auto pilot mode to the small Alpha and grabbed his right hand softly.

"Ouhhhhhhh ok... I got it.. chill man.. I'm sorry.. I'm just gonna leave.. peacefully.. no hatred okay.. peace." The seungcheol guy walked backward before walk away from the stream, but still able to give a wink to the couple and leaving Jihoon beyond mad.

"Who does he think he is-" If this is an anime Jihoon's silver hair will change to red colour and burn with fire.

Mingyu gritted his teeth holding himself from laughing.

"Jihooooooooonieeeee... let's sit." Jihoon let the omega dragged his small body to the stream and they dipped their feet into the stream.

They moaned in satisfy when the cold water moved through their legs.

"I'm so sorry with whoever that will end up with that guy, so stupid." Jihoon still couldn't cool down. He was insulted and that stupid could simply flirted with Mingyu.

Jihoon nearly went to his angry mode again before he felt a weight on his laps. Mingyu innocently laid his head there while his face facing the stream.

"Your scent was so strong before.. I thought- erm I thought you found.. your mate already." Mingyu played with Jihoon's short with the tips of his fingers.

Jihoon looked down at the omega. "Stupid-" Jihoon brought his hands to Mingyu's black hair and stroked it a few times.

(End flashback)

"Hey Jihoon, my mom asked if you wanna join our dinner today. Wonwoo will come home with his mate." Mingyu suddenly appears from god know where and snaps Jihoon out from his world.

"What did you say?" Jihoon looks up to see Mingyu. Damn. He hates standing side by side with this guy in mean he has to look up while Mingyu will look down.

"I said, do you want to come to my house tonight because Wonwoo will come with his mate. What are you thinking about?" Mingyu continues walking side by side with the small Alpha to their favourite stream.

"Nothing- erm what is Wonwoo's mate name again? They mated already?" They reach the stream and Jihoon sits on the biggest rock and Mingyu follows suit.

"It's soonyoung.. I think, they mated last week at Soonyoung's hyung place. That's why not many people know." Jihoon nods at Mingyu explanation.

"Tell your mother I'll come" Mingyu face lights up in a second after the words came out from the small Alpha's mouth.

"Thank you, Jihoon." Mingyu fiddles with the smaller rocks under his feet.

Jihoon can't help but smile at the omega's action, but it's not for long and Mingyu missed it like usual.

"I'm going for Wonwoo, what are you thanking me for?" Jihoon replies plainly.

Mingyu bit his lips for a few seconds but that lips turning into small sad smile which Jihoon hates so much.

"You've been so busy these days. My mom said you're injured during last hunting session. Are you okay??" The other is genuinely worried and Jihoon can see it right through the omega's beautiful eyes.

Well that's the reason why Jihoon agreed to the other plea to meet him, because 'Jihoon was injured' story is spreaded for whole village to know and even Jihoon don't know why he feels like he needs to tell the omega that he's fine by himself.

"I'm fine.. it's not even a big wound. Your mom is exaggerating." Well his mom is like that too. It's not like its the first time Jihoon went for hunting, but that stupid boar still manage to attack eventho Jihoon already rip off half of his neck. It leave Jihoon with a deep boar scratch on his left shoulder.

"Can I see?" Mingyu asks worrily afraid Jihoon might snap with his sudden wish.

But Jihoon just shrug and take off his top right away for Mingyu to gape at his body.

The scratch scar is still there but it's only a scar (and some swollen part but Jihoon dont need Mingyu to know about that)

Mingyu knows he should be looking at the scar only but he can't help blinking over the Alpha's body.

He's fair but that doesn't hide his perfectly toned body and oh don't let Mingyu starts with his biceps, and the part which Mingyu loves the most is the mark on Jihoon's back, a big diagonal stamped proudly.

"Are you done scanning my body, Mingyu?" Jihoon can't help but to tease the omega that now has the red blush at every inch of his face.

"Ouh.. ahh yes, you're fine. I guess that's it. Aaa.. see you tonight.. bye Jihoon." Mingyu's knees weak when he tried to stand up at the first place but he needs to go.

"See you tonight, Mingyu." Jihoon whispered when the taller disappeared between the trees.

He wears his top again and moves to the rock that Mingyu had been before.

"I'm sorry, Mingyu. Just give me some more time.."

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