chap 4

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If Jihoon is not that grumpy before, he is right now. His injured leg is still in the healing process because of the amount of run that he's done.

Plus he can't see Mingyu!!!! Why? Because the other is in heat!! Jihoon can't help to growl at his mother when the other explained why he can't go to Mingyu.

Jihoon's inner wolf says Mingyu is in heat, that's why he needs to go, but his brain plus his mom says no he can't because they will do it because of the heat, not really because they want to.

Jihoon throws everything on his room.




On the other side Mingyu is crying nonstop since he woke up. Seeing Jihoon is not by his side makes him shatters even more.

The heat is hurting him so damn much, only God knows how much he wanted to give in to the lone wolves before because of the heat is so unbearable but he stayed strong and keep in his wolf form so the lone wolves can't do anything. It's all for Jihoon.

He remembered Jihoon came and covered him with the blanket. There is Jihoon's scent on the blanket. Jihoon's blood to be exact.

He continues crying and hugging the blanket with Jihoon's scent went his heat comes again. All Alpha and Betas are not allowed to be around Mingyu's house at that time because of the scent.

"Mom~~~~ please let me see Jihoon please..." Mingyu begs while holding in the bloody blanket. His eyes are bloodshot consequences from the nonstop crying.

"Jihoon wouldn't able to hold himself my dear. He'll hurt you." Mingyu's mom strokes his son's hair in guilty. There's no mother could stand seeing their son on the floor crying and suffering like that but she has no choice.

The tears that don't know how to dry flow again from Mingyu's eyes.

"Jihoon will never hurt me. I know he wouldn't. He wouldn't. I know Jihoon..." Mingyu falls asleep after his heat is cooling down and with Mingyu's father help, they tuck Mingyu on his bed.

Mingyu's mom wanna take the blood-covered blanket from his son but his father stops her.

"He needs that, let it be.." before both of them left the room.

Mingyu is crying even in his sleep. He calls Jihoon name a few times and grabs the blanket harder.

"Jihoon..." he sobs.

"Yes baby."

Mingyu's eyes still close and the tears flowing out harder. It sounds so real. Jihoon's voice sounds so near.

"Jihoon.." he sobs again

Mingyu feels a hand wipes his overflowing tears and his eyes abruptly open up.

There's Jihoon.

Theres's Jihoon in front of him.

There's Jihoon in front of him smiling.

Mingyu jumps on the smaller and Jihoon catches Mingyu while steady himself not to fall back from the bed.

"Jihoon..." Mingyu cries.

"Yes mingyu.." Jihoon grips the omega tighter while comforting the other.

"Why are you not here- I " Mingyu's words are covered with hiccups and Jihoon cups the omega's face before lean in for a loving kiss.

"It's not that I don't want. I can't- " Mingyu kisses him again.

"So how are you here?" Mingyu settles himself in Jihoon's warm embrace while the Alpha plays with his hair.

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