chap 1

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It's an old saying but always be remembered. The more the members of the pack the stronger the pack will be. A lot of pups were born after that encouraged by the Alpha leader.

Mingyu, Wonwoo and Jihoon are already able to shift into their human form. Obviously Mingyu is bigger than Jihoon in human form.

It's been since forever for Mingyu and Wonwoo to take care of the smaller.

"Mingyu, it's so tiring. Pick me up" Jihoon will make the taller squat down and make himself comfortable against the other's back.

"Let's go" Wonwoo says while carrying all the fruits that they playfully collected, while Mingyu carries Jihoon on his back.

Jihoon is fast asleep when they reached the Alpha Leader's house and Jihoon's mom is waiting outside.

"There you are.. ouh Mingyu you shouldn't let Jihoon do that to you" Jihoon's mom takes his son from Mingyu back while ushers the two to go inside her house for lunch.

She believes that Mingyu gonna get his Alpha sign later, and Omega sign for Wonwoo and his son, Jihoon.

"The full moon will come soon.. Do you feel excited Wonwoo, Mingyu?" She put more fried chicken into their plates.

"Yes I am, Mrs Lee... why Jihoon don't eat?" Mingyu asks.

"I'll feed him when he wakes up later, dear. Always worry about Jihoon are you,Mingyu?" The said pup smile bashfully.

"Thank you for the lunch Mrs Lee, we need to go back or our mom will be worried." Wonwoo speaks when his brother make no motion although they finished eating already.

"We'll come back tomorrow." Said Mingyu right after.

The Alpha leader's mate just nod and smile lovingly to the cute pups. After Jihoon and the two deceased pups she has been told she can carry any litter anymore. Although his mate said it's fine but she still sad that she can't give his mate an Alpha.




It'll be a full moon tonight. By mean of full moon for them is the middle of each year. Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jihoon together with some other pups that wanna try if they can get their sign that night gathered in front of the Alpha Leader's house.

It's the first time for the pack to celebrate this shifting ceremony. Mingyu glances over to see the small Jihoon that is playing with his nails ignoring everybody else.

"Hoonie~" Mingyu sits beside the smaller and nudges the other elbow.

"Hurm..." Jihoon responds but still didn't look up from his nails.

"The moon is so pretty tonight, look up." Mingyu brings his small fingers to lift Jihoon's chin up.

"It is.." his nails are long forgotten, both of Jihoon and Mingyu fix their gaze on the glowing moon, until both of them feel a light scratchy bumps along their skin.

They abruptly stand up and gather with the other pups.

"There are some of you that gonna get your sign tonight, but some of you will not. That's a very normal case. Just clean up your mind and let your instinct take control of your body-" the howling sound stop the Alpha's speech while one of the gathered pups fall on the ground, squirming and howling.

Mingyu and Wonwoo hold hands while watching one of their members pack shifted into his wolf form.

After some times, Alpha Leader walks toward the fully shifted wolf. It has a light brown fur.

"Hong Jisoo, a beta" he announced proudly.

Mingyu sees the beta sign on the wolf's right arm. The symbol that showed the wolf as a beta, defender of the pack.

Omega will get their sign in their body either at their chest or stomach, while an Alpha will get their sign at the back.

Another howling sound is heard and this time it's loud. Mingyu realizes it's his brother, Wonwoo.

Their hands are long separated while Wonwoo is trashing on the ground while shifting into his wolf form. Mingyu breathes hardly when his brother finished shifting.

Like before the Alpha Leader walks toward the half-concious Wonwoo.

"Kim Wonwoo, an Omega. So beautiful." Alpha Leader pat Wonwoo's grey sliverish fur before another howling is heard and Mingyu immediately realizes it as Jihoon's.

Mingyu bit his lips when Jihoon's body seems swollen twice than his original body. The snowy white fur covered every inch of Jihoon's now large wolf form. Mingyu sees it with his own eyes. The red mark at Jihoon's back.

All the pack members cheer and howl in happiness. Their Alpha Leader's pup is an Alpha, despite his small feature in his human form, Jihoon's wolf form is majestic.

Mingyu eyes turn black when Jihoon's dark eyes meet his.

"Lee Jihoon, an Alpha." His father pats the white fur proudly.

Mingyu feels like his body is splitting into two. He falls on the ground and howl painfully. His bones are cracking while they are taking place to shift into his wolf form.

They didn't really shift after learning how to shift into human form before. Mingyu didn't remember how big he is, or maybe now how small he is in his wolf form.

He breathes haggardly when the Alpha Leader's scent is getting stronger in his nose.

"Kim Mingyu , an Omega. Your sons are all so beautiful. So pretty." Mingyu can see his mother strokes his brother lovingly while his father comes to cradle him carefully.

"Thank you Alpha, but Jihoon suprised us so much. We never really expected this coming. His wolf form is really impressive." The Beta compliments the new Alpha sincerely.

"Yeah, we always thought our Mingyu will be the one who take care of Jihoon. Guess Jihoon has to learn how to piggyback Mingyu instead." The Alpha laugh heartily before another howling is heard.

"Yoon Jeonghan, an Omega. I swear our pack has the beautiful omegas ever." The Alpha Leader jokes and receiving a heartily laugh from everyone.

"Omega is really important for every pack. There's none bullshit as omega is nothing and worthless. We the Alphas and Betas live to protect them, even it'll cost our lives, understand?" The closing speech receiving howls from all the pack members.

Mingyu, still in his father's arm wiggling to be let go. He lands shakily on the ground before searching for a certain snowy wolf.

Jihoon is there, receiving the respect bow from the pack although its written on his face that he still didn't accustom with all the respect but his inner Alpha demands it.

Mingyu waits until it's his turn, he lowers his head and look up only to see how big Jihoon is in his wolf form compare to him.

Jihoon gives him a soft nudges when Mingyu didn't move at all.

Mingyu don't know how Jihoon feels but he knows he wanna be with Jihoon. His legs are shaking when the new Alpha gives him a few licks.

Jihoon motions him to go back home and Mingyu obeys.

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