So Zayn Malik?

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*in the car driving from dinner in silence*

Me: Why am I still single mom?! I'm a catch, right?"

Mom: Ofcourse you are! I think fate is making you wait for the perfect guy.

Me: Zayn Malik?

Mom: Who knows

Me: so Zayn Malik?

Mom: Fate has it's ways

Me: So basically Zayn Malik?

Mom: Get out


So um I have the winner for the contest of who comes up witht the best name for my fans! And the winner is the beautiful directioner @nothingstorn! Y'all are all offically my cookies. Umm @nothingstorn you can go to PM me and we can talk about your prize. UHHH sorry I'm not my happy peppy self....ummm pretty upset right now. Uhh sorry y'all don't need to know all that my b ignore that....ok buh bye my little cookies

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