Not Ok

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Heyy everyone! Ok so I just like to complain about something. Last night I got bullied by a so called "directioner" and she keep saying sexual things about Liam and well im a Liams girl so I spent last night in tears because of this person. Anyways it did make me realize something. Our fandom is going crazy we have directioner being mean and telling other directioner they are a bad fan (she also told me that), and fans sending hate to fans who meet the boys, fans sending hate to the people the boys care about like their girlfriends! This fandom really needs to grow up! This is not ok! We are suppose to be a family! We are all here for a reason to love and support the boys! Not to send hate to the lucky people who meet them or who are in their lifes! Even if the boy you have a soft spot for has a girlfriend doesn't make it ok to send her hate! Hating her won't make him love you!! I just don't understand the fans who do that!

Larry shippers don't kill me but why do you ship them more then a bromance when one Eleanor is real two he loves her and three he gets pissed at the people who say she isn't real! SHES NOT A BEARD!!! Shes a very real beautiful person who our boobear loves! Why can't yall just be happy for him?! I just don't understand and that goes for all the more then bromance people until they get together don't ship it!

Fans who crashed Gregs wedding like what was going threw your head?! Like what u think u and Niall were gonna get married next to Greg and his wife?! Poor Niall felt terrible because yall ruined Gregs wedding

People who send hate to the girlfriends what is going threw your mind?! You think hes gonna think its hot you sending hate ha no! How would u like it if you were dating one the boys and u said the things you say to them?! U wouldn't like it either so like why do it!

I have a feeling if this fandom keeps going in the dumpster we are gonna be the reason for the end of the boys careers that when they are ask if they want to sign there contract again they will say no because they can't take all the crazy fans. I don't know about u but I don't even recognize Louis and Zayn anymore. Louis isn't wear stripes or suspenders anymore he doesn't even hang out with Harry like at all because all the drama of Larry and he's not the forever young boy! Zayn he is quite again he use to be crazy and out if his shell now he's back in it because all the hate.

All im saying is this fandom needs to grow up and love each other! I miss when we were a happy family! Maybe some how we could get it back to the family again. So I might get hate from saying this but I just had to get it out ok have a nice day or night whatever time it is:) Does anyone agree with me here or is it just me?

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