Unclear Future!

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Kaminari's P.o.v

"Ughh my head is killing me." I mumble as I sat up rubbing my head. "Kaminari your okay!" Violet exclaims flying into my arms. "Yeah I'm okay, I told you that I won't never leave you." I say softly petting her fur. And she smiled but something was off.

"Eto. . . Violet?" I say and she looks up at me with big teary eyes. "Violet, what's wrong?" I asked and she broke from my arms. "Uso-tsuki!" She shouted at me and I gasp. "Liar?! How am I a liar!?"

"Your always with Sting, Kaminari." A more calm voice answered. I turned and seen Seira. "No I'm not always with Sting, what are you talking about?" I ask and she scoffs. "Ever since you laid eyes on him, you've forgotten all about us." She say and I take a step back.

"T-That's. . ." I was lost for words as I seen a flash of different memories in the room. Some from the GMG and some of me and Seira during the 7 year absence of the guilds core members. "Do you see this Kaminari? Do you know why she called you a liar? You lied to us. You broke your promise. You said that you would never forget about us,but I guess all rules fly out the window when you met him." She said with a frown as she turned around, walking away.

"We. . . are no longer friends. Come on Violet." Seira said and Violet started following her. "Y-you guys! Wait! P-please stop!" I yelled desperately, trying to chase after them. Just what the hell is happening!?

" Machigai."

I stop as a girl slowly walked towards me, in the way of getting to Seira and Violet. Her skin is pale and her eyes are golden. Her hair was a bluish green color that fell to her shoulders. "Machigai." She said again and lifted her hand pointing at me.

What the. . . hell? Who is she? Where did she come from? "You, machigai." She said as dust flew from her hands surrounding me. Why is she calling me a mistake?! I took a deep breath,taking in as much air as I could and changed the dragon slayer mode I was in. "Lightning Sky Dragon Mode! Lightning Burst; Sky Drill!" I shout as I pushed the dust away from me and caused a mini explosion.

When I looked around. The room was black. " Kako, genzai, soshite mirai." I heard her say, singing almost, as she appeared unscathed. I scoff as I get into a stance to fight her. "I don't know who or what you are, where you came from, but best believe I will defeat you!" I yell as I launch my self to her, my fist coated in wind and lightning. "I am a Garou Knight, my name is Mirai." As I was in front of her, she disappeared and reappeared behind me. "I have the magic ability to control time." She says as my fist collided with the wall, but it nullified my attack.

"Kako machigai!" She shouts out as the room becomes illuminated with light and I started glowing as well. "What that hell?!" I yell and she walks forward. "You are a mistake. Everything you do, you screw it up." She said as several screens popped up around the room. Each one played a different scene if my life.

"How do you have access to these memories?" I ask and she chuckles as she snapped her fingers. All the screens went to one memory I had. . . "W-Why are you showing this!?" I shout at her blushing a dark red. "Even you yourself said that this was a accident, a mistake." She said giggling evily. I'm just happy no one is here to see this.

"Kaminari!" The familiar voice of my exceed sounded out as she flew into the room we was in. "Violet your not mad at me?" I ask and she looks confused. "What I was never mad at you." She said. "So what I seen was projections of my worse nightmare coming true." I mumble.

"Sting!" My eyes popped open, remembering what's on the screen. I grab Violet and cover her eyes and ears. "W-What are you doing Kaminari!" I heard Violet muffle out. "Machigai, why do you hide this from her?" She ask with a sinister smirk. "Because this is something private between me and Sting!"

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