When the Tables are Turned

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  • Dedicated to My Awesome Readers!

Hey guys! First story! Please comment, like,follow me! i'll try to update quick! Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! :D!!

Lacy P.O.V

I carfully walked on the thin side walk carefull not to get morning dew on my new heals. As i past Greenswood High's front lawn, i could smell the earthly scent of freshly cut grass. I knew this year would be a blast.

As i walked in the checkered style tile, i could feel every ones eyes peel away from their phones and scan me as if I'm some kind of extinct animal. I was hoping a few people would notice me this year, but i did'nt need the whole school to know!

After a moment of hesitation, a perfectly manacured, french tipped hand plunged out of a cluster of people slightly to the left of the right wall. I could tell who ever was trying to get out had a really hard time from small grunting noises coming out of the hand.

When the whole body finaly emerged from the endless sea of bodies, i watched in awe as i saw a very pretty, very mean looking, very pink coated popular chick. I could tell she was high on the food chain when a few people close to her started looking at her instead of yours truly.

Looking annoyed, she quickly rolled her eyes as she snapped her fingers,as if on que, and two other girls emerged behind her posing on either side of the first.

The girl on the left looked totaly in awe at the first. I could tell she does everything the first girl tells her to. She had caramel colored curled hair with blond streaks immitating the first 'natural' hair color. She had a black smokey eye and wore simple pearl ear rings that matched her white chunky heels. She also wore a light pink faux fur jacket with a black tanktop with light pink rhinestones that spelled out "Trish." She also wore a really short pink skirt that had cheesy pink fur at the end, similar to her light pink heals with Tinkerbell puffballs.

The girl on the right of the first girl was obviously her right hand man and her bestfriend, though she would never tall the other girl that, she kept smerking at the first girl as if they has some secret alliance no one else can join. She had black hair with brown highlights at near her tips and cinnimon colored hair at her tips. She wore white crystal ear rings that complamented her darker skin tone and she wore bronze makeup that popped out her eye color. She had a similiar get up as the first gurl but her jacket had a more purple tint and her black tank top said "Rhonda" in purple rhinestones. Thankfully she didn't wear a crazy skirt, instead she more neon purple jeans with purple stilletos.

After i had an eyeful of the two girls i glanced at the first girl only to be met with a death glare even kings would cower at. When i eyed her longer, her hot pink lips started to form a smug grin from her attention. She wore hot pink pumps that matched her phot pink and black stripedtube skirt and hot pink heart ear rings and hot pink makeup. The only thing i couldn't find that was pink on her was her pearl colored ruffle blouse. This girl looked like she was going to a work interview for Barbie.

She continuisly glared at me until she though i had an eyeful of her irritating beuty, i still didn't know her name though. She then walked straight toward me, her posse following her, stopping at slap length and spoke twelve words to me....

"Welcome to Greenswood High Newbie! I am Stella Gold, don't forget it!"

And with that, she stormed off giving clumsy Trish, her purse and Rhonda's purse while texting Rhonda, still right next to her, like nothing ever happend. After that, it seemed like nothing ever happend to all the other students, they pushed and shoved kids out of their way, mostly Rhonda and Trish protecting Stella from getting loser germs or something. They finnaly turned a corner and i could have sworn i saw Stella glare at me while i gawk at them.

I think she thinks I'm her competition! Wow i remember the old days, when i was just like her. But I'm here to change that! This school year will rock, but then again, the tables are turned this time.....

Dun dun duuuun hope you like it love me!!! Srry for typos i type too fast sometimes and i can't spell anything lol!

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